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Rory McGreal A Survey of New Media Development and Delivery Software for Internet-Based Learning Tom Gram, Tony Mark, Rory McGreal.

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Presentation on theme: "Rory McGreal A Survey of New Media Development and Delivery Software for Internet-Based Learning Tom Gram, Tony Mark, Rory McGreal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rory McGreal

3 A Survey of New Media Development and Delivery Software for Internet-Based Learning Tom Gram, Tony Mark, Rory McGreal

4 Instructional Components 1. Information presentation 2. Learner guidance 3. Practice with feedback 4. Learning assessment (from Allesi & Trollop, 1991)

5 Rory McGreal Emerging Internet Tools Media Creation Web Publishing Conferencing Instructional Design Authoring Distributed Learning Environments

6 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools Tools used for the creation of text, graphics or images, audio, video & animation

7 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools Text Graphics Audio Video Animation Virtual Reality

8 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools: Text HTML Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Common text formats (.txt,.wpf..doc,.rtf)

9 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools: Graphics.gif.jpg (JPEG).bmp (Windows).tiff

10 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools: Audio MPEG 3 WAV - most common AU - SUN/NeXT MIDI - music synthesizer RA - Real Audio

11 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools Video MOV - Quicktime AVI - Msoft MPEG (DVD) VDO

12 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools Animation JAVA Shockwave.gif89a FLI & FLC

13 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools

14 Rory McGreal Media Creation Tools Virtual Reality VRML

15 Rory McGreal 200 milliseconds

16 Rory McGreal Web Publishing Tools Tools used to create and manage WWW pages

17 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Tools used for real time (synchronous) and time-delayed (asynchronous) conferencing.

18 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Synchronous IRC (Internet Relay Chat) MUDs, MOOs & VEEs

19 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Synchronous IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

20 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Synchronous MUDs, MOOs & VEEs

21 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Synchronous MUDs, MOOs & VEEs 3D Virtual Reality

22 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Synchronous Internet Phone

23 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Synchronous Desktop Videoconferencing

24 Rory McGreal Internet-based Conferencing Tools Asynchronous Computer Mediated Conferencing Listserv s Bulletin Boards Newsgroups

25 Rory McGreal Instructional Design Pre-Authoring Rapid Analysis and Design of CBT

26 Rory McGreal Multimedia Authoring Tools Tools for integrating multimedia elements, including interactivity, branching and scoring

27 Rory McGreal Multimedia Authoring Tools Technical Versatility Ease of Use Ease of Learning

28 Rory McGreal Multimedia Authoring Tools

29 Rory McGreal Integrated Online Learning Environments Applications that integrate multimedia information presentation, collaboration, and management tools into a virtual learning environment

30 Rory McGreal Integrated Online Learning Environments More than 55 now available See the TeleEducation NB WWW site

31 Rory McGreal Integrated Online Learning Environments Student Features: BrowsingSharing BookmarkingEmail TrackingChat SecurityConferencing WhiteboardApplication Sharing TeleconferencingSelf-Assessment

32 Rory McGreal Integrated Online Learning Environments Instructor Tools: PlanningDevelopment ManagingMonitoring RevisingEditing EvaluationGrading RecordsAnalysis TrackingInstructional Design

33 Rory McGreal Integrated Online Learning Environments Technical Tools: InstallationSecurity MonitoringRemote Access Help DeskCrash Recovery

34 Rory McGreal Integrated Online Learning Environments

35 Rory McGreal Making the Right Choice Education/Training Goals Approaches to Learning Cost Expertise Technological Infrastructure

36 Rory McGreal The End

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