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Accountability Plans The public is demanding ever greater accountability of our public work.

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Presentation on theme: "Accountability Plans The public is demanding ever greater accountability of our public work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountability Plans The public is demanding ever greater accountability of our public work.

2 Accountability Plans Provide explicit rationales for decision-making when: 1. Choosing the program/project goals (outcomes of public and private value) 2. Identifying the target of change needed to reach goal(s) 3. Selecting the methods to achieve the change 4. Determining what success means

3 Accountability Plans: Two Faces Detailed ever changing planning and development guidance document for decision-making during planning, design, development, delivery and evaluation regarding the effective and efficient use of resources (formative accountability)

4 Accountability Plans: Two Faces Summary briefing states: Program/project main features and processes Rationale for the program (why this, why us, why is this important) Summary of outcomes - success and failure (summative accountability) For external stakeholders prior to, during and after the program/project

5 Accountability Planning is Powerful… Formative Accountability During planning, development and delivery document and find new ways to: Increase efficiency of $, personnel, and resources Leverage external resources Ensure effectively designed outputs Align outputs to desired public and private outcomes

6 Accountability Planning is Powerful… Summative Accountability Provides transparent documentation of rationale for decision-making and measures of success for: Funders and Authorizers Participants and those who pay for their participation Public and private value Organization/Agency/Institution

7 Meeting The Triple Bottom Line for Public Work: 1. Agency/Organizational Mission 2. Financial/resources/organizational sustainability 3. Outcomes of public and private value D. Herzfeld, 2000

8 Proposal For a National Workshop

9 CTAG Work Group Looking for ways to facilitate state C&T & PSEP programs in the implementation of organizational, state, and EPA performance measures Dean Herzfeld, chair Kathy Dictor Carol Ramsay Tim Drake

10 Proposal National level workshop Participants are state teams – 1 SLA & 1 CES participant per team Multiday program

11 Instructional Design Hands on-learning Case study discussions Each team develops an Accountability Plan for a small real project of their choice

12 Workshop – Accountability Plans Generic public sector version ‘business plan’ (Center for Farm Financial Management, U of MN) as a guide to…

13 Workshop – Accountability Plans Generic public sector version of a ‘business plan’ Center for Farm Financial Management, U of MN) as a guide to… Connect the boxes of the Logic Model (U of WI) for program/project design and implementation…

14 Workshop – Accountability Plans Generic public sector ‘business plan’ (Center for Farm Financial Management, U of MN) as a public enterprise guide to… Connect the boxes of the Logic Model (U of WI) for program/project design and implementation… To maximize the public value return on investment via the Triple Bottom Line for Public Work* *(P. Hutchinson, M. Moore, D. Herzfeld, others)

15 Proposal We are using Accountability Planning in the development of this proposal…. …a critical step is to have you share your thoughts, ideas, value and suggestions regarding the proposal

16 Discussion 1.Do you think an AP (full or partial) is a useful investment of time for your program/project? 2.Would you consider taking time to attend a multi-day course (3-4 days)?

17 Discussion 3.How much time in the course would you dedicate to: Overview/background/concepts? Hands-on logic model development and critique? Development of each component of the generic Accountability Plan?

18 Discussion 4.Would you be willing to pay a registration fee to bring in the "current experts in the field”? 5.Is there another topic of interest for training? 6.Does it outrank a course on Accountability Planning?

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