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Seeing and Organizing Identity Online thoughts on digital context, perception of self and identity management.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeing and Organizing Identity Online thoughts on digital context, perception of self and identity management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeing and Organizing Identity Online thoughts on digital context, perception of self and identity management

2 Overview Contextual information crucial for appropriate social interaction Architecture of the digital space does not directly map to the physical equivalent Appropriate presentation online requires different notions of context Self-awareness/control tools useful for developing proper self-presentation skills

3 Performing Identity One presents multiple faces conveying different aspects of ones identity –Facet of self presented depends on the context –Number and variation of faces/facets depends on ones personality and self-monitoring tendencies Multiple faces are not deceptive –Behavior appropriate to the situation –Information conveyed relevant

4 Notions of the Body Body offers many mechanisms for presenting oneself both intentionally and unintentionally –Verbal and body language –Clothing and decoration –Behaviors and movement Presenting oneself is quite comfortable –Body awareness of what is being presented –Subtle control of behavior and reactions

5 Notions of context Context is the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs –Spatial context –Temporal context –People context Underlying social norms developed and associated with various contexts –Individuals organize facets of their identity and associate them with different contexts

6 Contextual questions Time & Space –What activities normally occur in this space? –What social norms can i derive are associated with this space? With this time period? –Is my performance being recorded to be used in a different time/space? People –Who are the people who are observing me? –What are their values? –How much do i trust these people to constrain our conversation to here and now?

7 Digital != Physical Digital tries to mimic the physical –Ideas of digital embodiment (avatars) –Language of space online (chatrooms, portals, websites) Fundamental differences in architecture mean that they are not the same –Digital data persistent, archived –Aggregation across time and space –Difficult to separate between original / copy –Ease of searching, sorting with databases of data –Massive data & low attention spans highlight incomplete individual portraits

8 Architecture affects Context Space and time collapse online; spatial and temporal context do not exist –Said once, seen forever in lots of different places –Statements become eternally part of public domain, removed from original context People contexts difficult to read –Who is out there? Who are they? –How do you read them? What are their subtle responses to your performance?

9 Adjusting the notion of context Managing presentation with the architectural differences requires a change in behavior –Present oneself as though things are permanent public records directed at the masses –Obfuscate presentation (or post anonymously) Alternatively, adjust the notion of context; manage context by managing facets directly –Purpose-based email addresses (work, home, …) –Logins / Pseudonyms / Handles By performing through facets, users define the context

10 Removing social confusion Architecture should accurately communicate the context of the space Regardless, one should understand ones digital presentation –Who can see you? What can they see? With that knowledge, one should be able to control the facets that s/he is presenting –What are you putting forward? How do you incorporate those revelations later?

11 Individual Self-Awareness Create tools that give users a sense of how they are seen for self-reflection –Create digital mirrors to reveal identity performance –Personal transparency of data, computed characteristics –Awareness of interaction over time/space –Relationship to people and sites Based on awareness, individuals will learn to self-monitor their own behavior as they desire

12 Social Network Fragments Visualizing email habits, revealing personal social networks and social clusters

13 Creating control Individual control over context –Let individuals create and manage facets explicitly –Associate all interactions with facets Tools to create and manage facets –Manage data through facets –Allow facets to build data representations during interactions Requires change in behavior –Not ubiquitous; requires thought and consideration –Can still be aggregated externally –No control over how others share your data

14 SecureId Giving individuals control over data revelation by building separate facets of their identity

15 Final Thoughts Explicit management will never be as comfortable as embodied management External ownership and (ab)use of identity data is becoming harder to control Further visualization work is necessary so as to portray vast quantities of data in a meaningful way Trusting others with data important; failure can create a scenario where others publicly collapse your fragmented facets

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