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Guilford Soccer Injury Meeting Ivo Wesseling, MAT, ATC, LAT Athletic Trainer since 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Guilford Soccer Injury Meeting Ivo Wesseling, MAT, ATC, LAT Athletic Trainer since 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guilford Soccer Injury Meeting Ivo Wesseling, MAT, ATC, LAT Athletic Trainer since 2003

2 Agenda Commonly seen injuries Acute management of injuries Identifying when advanced care is needed Knee injury prevention Concussion Management

3 Common Soccer Injuries Data shows between 67%-70% soccer injuries are lower extremity - ankle injuries - knee injuries - contusions - muscle strains

4 Ankle Injury Gregory Coupet ankle injury

5 Ankle

6 Knee Injury Jonathan Reis Knee Injury

7 Knee

8 Injury Differences Sprain - injury involving the ligaments - stretching/tearing - does not return to original state - swelling and bruising immediate Strain - injury involving muscles or tendons - stretching/tearing - can return to original state - swelling and bruising delayed at times

9 Acute Injury Management R.I.C.E - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation - 15min ice, 45min no ice (no chemical ice preferred) - NO HEAT FIRST 72hrs When to seek advanced care - Deformity (compared to the other side) - Immediate (profuse) swelling - Unable to move affected limb - Unable to bear weight - Increased pain with ice application - Uncontrollable bleeding - Out of character pain

10 Chronic Injury Management Injuries that fall under chronic - tendonitis, bursitis, “shin splints”, patellar-related pain Rest, Ice (before and after activity) Heat before activity, Ice after When to seek advanced care - No decrease in symptoms - Rest does not help

11 How ToRecognize an Injury Obvious signs: limping, awkward limb position Out-of-character behavior Collision/Contact that was severe

12 Knee Injury Prevention Programs are effective - Santa Monica based prevention program - program takes about 15minutes

13 Concussion Public Act 10-62, "An Act Concerning Student Athletes and Concussions.'' - Anyone who has a coaching permit issued by the State Board of Education and who coaches intramural or interscholastic athletics must be trained in how to recognize and respond to head injuries and concussions. - A coach must take a student athlete out of any interscholastic or intramural game or practice if the athlete (1) shows signs of having suffered a concussion after an observed or suspected blow to the head or body or (2) is diagnosed with a concussion. The coach must keep the athlete out of any game or practice until the athlete has received written clearance to return to the game or practice from a licensed medical professional.

14 Concussion sustained Burdisso Head Injury David Villa Head Injury

15 What is a Concussion? Why is everyone talking about it? Why are they so dangerous? Are there different types of concussions? Mechanism of injury - contact to the head - head hits the ground (cervical injury)

16 Concussion Symptoms Headache Dizziness Nausea Balancing problems Disoriented behavior Sensitivity to light Loss of Consciousness

17 When to seek advanced care? Any time a concussion is suspected visit a licensed medical professional Any time there is loss of consciousness - immediate transportation to ER

18 Questions?

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