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A project of The Council, managed by the National Association of Agricultural Educators.

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1 A project of The Council, managed by the National Association of Agricultural Educators

2 What happens when education is not rigorous or relevant?

3 What is RIGOR in CTE? Enhancement of core academics (science, math, English, etc) within the CTE context Alignment of CTE lessons with core academic standards Elevation of student learning

4 What is RIGOR in CTE? Exercises that: –Shift student learning from knowledge to understanding –Model real-life practice –Enhance critical thinking and soft skills

5 What is RELEVANCE in CTE? Learning knowledge and developing solid understandings through practical technical skills used during instruction »Doing activities – not listening to lecture

6 What is RELEVANCE in CTE? Exploring connections with curriculum beyond classroom walls

7 What is RELEVANCE in CTE? Exploring subject matter that matters Empowering students to learn intrinsically

8 What is CASE ? An instructional system Standards-based curriculum Intense teacher professional development Student-directed, inquiry-based, hands- on instruction


10 Enhancement versus Integration Integration suggests that core academics are “added” or “forced” into the topics being taught Enhancement capitalizes on properly teaching core academics that exists naturally within the CTE context Enhancement maintains the relevance of core academics without confusing or loose connections in the minds of students

11 The CASE Curriculum

12 Enhancement of Rigor in Agriculture & Core Academics CASE lesson concepts are aligned to national content standards for: –AFNR (NCAE) –Science (NSES) –Mathematics (NCTM) –English (NCTE) Purposeful instruction of Employability Skills

13 Enhancement of Math and Science CASE utilizes best instructional design strategies for enhancing math and science within agriculture subject matter: –Mathematics – NRCCTE Seven Elements of Mathematics Lesson Enhancement »Stone,, 2006 –Science – Inquiry based approaches as defined by Colburn (2004)

14 Purposeful Teaching of Math Bring the math out and purposely teach it in a generic way so students understand the math The Seven Elements of a Mathematics Enhanced Lesson (Stone, 2006)

15 Purposeful Teaching of Science Inquiry-based methodology Proper use of science equipment as professionals in agricultural research use Reinforcement of scientific method and appropriate communication of data

16 APP Modalities Activities –Structured inquiry Projects –Guided inquiry Problems –Open inquiry

17 Current CASE Offerings Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant Currently writing Animal and Plant Biotechnology

18 Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) First course in the CASE sequence of courses Introduces leadership, science, plants, animals, natural resources, and agricultural mechanics Uses the hands-on approach of activities, projects, and problems Develop a career portfolio to investigate personal interests and careers in agriscience

19 Principles of Agricultural Science Animal A foundational level (sophomore) course Students explore the world of animal agriculture and develop a management guide for an animal of their choice. Areas of study include history and domestication, handling and behavior, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, reproduction, genetics, health, selection, and marketing.

20 Principles of Agricultural Science Plant A foundational level (sophomore) course Students study the production of plants while developing a grower’s handbook. Areas of study include soils, hydroponics, plant anatomy and physiology, taxonomy, growing environments, sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, insects and diseases, and production and marketing.

21 CASE Programs of Study

22 Professional Development The heart of CASE

23 Changing the Culture of Agricultural Education Instruction CASE provides the curriculum, resources and teacher support services to promote effective teaching practices.

24 On-Going Professional Development Curriculum design features: –Teacher Notes NAAE Communities of Practice Professional Learning Communities –State and regional CASE teacher groups


26 CASE Assessment Learning Reflections –Provided with every activity, project, and problem Check for Understanding –End of lesson quizzes End-of-Course Exams National Assessment Exams –Exams for Program of Study completers

27 CASE Certification Quality assurance May lead to college credit for students Three levels of certification

28 The Big Picture

29 How can CASE help Agricultural Education? Addresses program quality and growth initiatives including Perkins mandates: –Logical Sequence of Courses Program of Study –Enhancement of Science and Mathematics –Accountability Common assessment of agriculture students

30 Driving Force of the CASE Project To address the shortage of professionals in agriculture Increase supply of graduates into the agriculture pipeline –Recruitment –Provide graduates with skills for success for the changing world

31 Future CASE Courses

32 Animal and Plant Biotechnology

33 Food Science and Safety

34 Agricultural Business, Research, and Development – Capstone

35 Natural Resources and Environmental Science Pathway Projected Topics for NRES Pathway Courses

36 Agriculture Technology and Systems Pathway Projected Topics for ATS Pathway Courses

37 Find out more at


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