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4n6 Style.  Take out 4 pieces of Paper  Fold in half  Fold in half again  First Page - Famous People  Second Page - Locations  Third Page - Objects.

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Presentation on theme: "4n6 Style.  Take out 4 pieces of Paper  Fold in half  Fold in half again  First Page - Famous People  Second Page - Locations  Third Page - Objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 4n6 Style

2  Take out 4 pieces of Paper  Fold in half  Fold in half again  First Page - Famous People  Second Page - Locations  Third Page - Objects  Fourth Page - Quotations  Tear the squares out and hand them in.

3  No Panicking  Don’t run…no running…you will walk.  No Problems…we have ISSUES.  Teamwork  Do your own job…do it well…let others do their jobs.  Pride  Every job is important!!! None are unimportant!!!

4  During Seminar…map the rooms – demonstration  Saturday…be at West by 7:30.  Have Pencil and Paper  Check in with Event Chair.  Go to all rooms and check…  Unlocked  Computers  Pull desk into hallway (record what room you take it from)  Wait for Event Chairs to come to you.

5  Make sure each room has a judge  Check off competitor codes as they compete  After all competitors have competed in a room…double-check ballots before judge leaves.  Wait until Event Chair collects the ballots  Get ready for the next round…and repeat…and repeat.

6  After Round 3 is done…complete…all ballots turned in.  Use the room map to put the room back the way we found it.  Check out with your event chair.

7  Saturday…be at West by 7:30  Check in with your event chair.  During Seminar…map the rooms – demonstration  Have time cards, digital time piece (not a cell phone) and something to write with and on.  Check in with Event Chair.  Go to all rooms and check…  Unlocked  Computers  Wait for Event Chairs to come to you.

8  Make sure your room has a judge  Check off competitor codes as they compete  After all competitors have competed in your room…double-check ballots before judge leaves.  Wait until Event Chair collects the ballots  Get ready for the next round…and repeat…and repeat.  After Round 3 is done…complete…all ballots turned in.  put the room back the way you found it.  Check out with your event chair.

9  During Seminar  Coordinating mapping of rooms.  Write template for Awards Speech.  Help Tab Room Schedule the Events.  Friday After School  Highlight schedules to hang on room doors  Hang Schedules on wall next to rooms.  Hang “Do Not Enter” and place “Do Not Sit Here” signs.

10  Saturday…be at West by 7:00.  Check in with Christine.  Have pen and paper with you.  Check to make sure all Rooms are unlocked.  Check in your room chairs…give last minute reminders to room chairs  Marking competitors as they compete  Keeping the halls somewhat quiet  Double check all ballots

11  Make sure all rooms have judges…no rounds start with 2 judges!!!  Be near King to get changes…record changes on ALL SCHEDULES  Be near your rooms throughout the rounds to be able to resolve any issues that may arise.  Collect ballots at the end of the round and take them to Tab Room (123). NO HOARDING BALLOTS.  Know and mark which sets of ballots are Panels (return entire panels at once).  Repeat…then repeat again.

12  After Round 3…check out your room chairs…checking their rooms.  Go to tab room and wait patiently for your event to be tabbed.  Write on the big poster the breaks for your event.  Once all events are tabulated…post them on the Bridge…all at once…you’ll be popular…  Time Keep for Finals…and run the Finals round.

13  Put Finals room back the way we found it.  After Finals…collect ballots from judges…double check them…and take them to Tab Room.  Wait very patiently and quietly for the round to be tabbed.  Write your announcements on the Template.  Go to Awards as a group and sit quietly on stage.  Check out your rooms with Ms. Patch.

14  Saturday…be at West by 7:30.  Check in with Mr. King (Room 23)  Double Check EVERYTHING!!!  Mistakes that are not caught are expensive…literally.  Do everything Volen and King say!!!

15  During Week…call judges…schedule on Thursday.  Do what Ami tells you!!!  Saturday…be at West by 7:00.  Check in with Christine.  Stay calm during the storm.  Stay at the table…the entire time. This isn’t merely social hour.  Keep front of table clear of students.  You are done once ALL Finals rounds have started and judge table is totally clean.

16  Saturday…be at West by 7:00am.  Check in with Ms. Wagenheim (Concessions) and Ms. Strausbaugh (Hospitality).  Keep food stocked/sell food.  Concessions…keep good track of money.  Hospitality…NO STUDENTS EAT OUT OF HOSPITALITY!!!  You will be done after Finals is done.  Library/Bridge must be TOTALLY CLEAN when you leave.  Stay at your assigned station.

17  Saturday…be at West by 7:15am.  Check in with Christine  Report to and set up in Aux Gym.  Have all questions with you in their envelopes.  Each room gets their own envelope.  Keep the draw room quiet.  Efficiently announce draw times and speak times to keep it running smoothly.

18  Tournament Director…Tournament Host…Judge Table…Tab Room…Peggy Patch…Hospitality…Poetry Chair…Prose Chair.  Most Important Rule  Its coming  Wait for it  Its almost here DON’T … BE … A “PHIL”!!!

19 Computer  Congress Area Only  Do Not Enter Room Without Judge  Do Not Sit Here  Directions To Hospitality  Directions to Tab  Directions to Extemp Prep Directional signs 202-209 213-218 40-43 32-37 66-68 17-19 24-31 105-111 112-121 124-130 101

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