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2011 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career 2.0 Building Successful Collaborations Parent Centers and Part.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career 2.0 Building Successful Collaborations Parent Centers and Part."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career 2.0 Building Successful Collaborations Parent Centers and Part B and Part C Programs Tennessee’s Journey Joseph FisherKaren Harrison Assistant Commissioner Executive Director Division of College and Career ReadinessSTEP, Inc. TN Department of EducationTN Parent Training & Information Center Strand: Presentation # 204

2 ESTABLISHING THE RELATIONSHIP 1.Acknowledge and BUST the myths School districts perceptions of STEP and our “motives” Families’ perceptions of the Department of Education and their response to parents WHERE WE STARTED Approach:  Joint Presentations: Seeing us side by side often  Parent Center highlighted at DOE Annual Special Education conference  Having Parent Center staff on State teams  Active Involvement of DOE on Parent Center Board

3 ESTABLISHING THE RELATIONSHIP When there are no surprises we can support, defend, and encourage one another 2. Exchange of Information on the Parent Center mission and the Department’s initiatives

4 ESTABLISHING THE RELATIONSHIP 3. Positive talk about the State in our presentations and interactions with parents 4. State staff passing on the Parent Center mission within the Department and looking ways to connect each other’s strengths to projects/initiatives Quality Outcomes for Students with Disabilities


6 STRENGTHENING THE RELATIONSHIP Frequent Communication Involvement of the State Department on the Parent Center Board of Directors Inclusion of parent center staff on task forces DOE highlighting STEP mission and services at conferences and events Disseminating each others information (website and printed)

7 STRENGTHENING THE RELATIONSHIP Recognizing the “value” of the Parent Center staff Funding for our “expertise” SPDG – State Personnel Development Grant TIME – Transition Information Made Easy FOCUS Conference funding – Families of Color United for Special Education Travel and expenses to other DOE events Tapping into the data we can provide on successes and challenges in the districts Recognizing the “value” of the Department of Education staff Connecting families to Regional DOE staff for assistance with transition issues, autism initiative, behavior specialist, compliance, others Partnering with DOE staff for conflict resolution on systemic issues Disseminating DOE guidance documents and memos Inviting DOE staff to have a presence at parent events

8 WE’RE IN THIS THING TOGETHER! Develop improvement strategies Jointly present at conferences Parent Surveys Data sharing Review of documents and protocols Jointly “role out” Departments new initiatives (Special Education Manual) SPP Multiple Points of Collaboration

9 BUILD IT, DON’T BUST IT Open and frequent communication – Agree that areas of concern will be discussed quickly, honestly, and at the source Match strengths and skills to areas of need that can result in change – not superficial, last minute inclusion on a project or initiative Take time to get a complete understanding of the priorities of the State and the mission and programs of the Parent Center Publicize and celebrate successes of joint activities Don’t abuse the relationship Make an effort establish a “comfort zone”


11 DESCRIBING THE PROCESS IN OUR LANGUGAGE Continuous Improvement Scaffolding Measurable Progress Building Capacity Outcomes LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” ~ Jack Hanley

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