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i. Synchrotron X-ray beam monitoring

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1 i. Synchrotron X-ray beam monitoring
and ii. Etching diamond John MorseS ESRF Charlotte Burman, ESRF & University of Bath

2 Outline 1. Synchrotrons and X-ray beam monitoring needs
2. diamond quadrant devices 3. CVD bulk and surface defects 4. diamond etching 2

3 10 Hz Booster Synchrotron
The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Third generation light source Location: Grenoble, France Cooperation: 20 countries Annual budget: ~100M€ Staff: 600 10 Hz Booster Synchrotron 6.04Gev electron storage ring 844m circumference 32 straight sections 42 beamlines operating simultaneously some with 2 or 3 experimental stations X-ray beam energies ~1keV ...1MeV 200 MeV Electron Linac User Availability: >98% of 250days/year Mean Time Between Failures: ~80 hours ~6000 annual user visits of duration ~few days ~2000 journal publications/year 3

4 diamond X-ray beam monitors: quadrant devices
photo-ionization current readout → simple, compact devices high purity diamond plate ~5…100µm thick, size ~10mm2 low-Z metal 'blocking' contacts 20 ~ 100nm thick externally applied bias field 0.5 ~ 5 Vµm-1 → full charge collection surface contact beam DIAMOND absorption of small fraction of incident X-ray beam, diamond acts as solid state ‘ionization chamber’ photo-electron thermalization range a few µm for <20keV X-rays charge cloud drifts for ~ nanosecond in applied E field transverse lateral thermal diffusion ~10µm during drift beam 'center of gravity' determined by signal interpolation -- difference/sum algorithm signal currents can be measured with 'pulse averaging ' electrometers, or by narrow bandwidth synchronized RF techniques different signal measurement methods give different position response functions

5 signal variation with readout method
SAME device measured at DESY-DORIS F1 (white bending magnet, Al filtered beam) with Libera RF readout system -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 100 200 300 400 500 0.1 1 10 1000 e6 ELSC sample S361-1 (390um thick, , 50µm quadrant isolation gap, TiW electrodes) beam on other quadrants (signal from beam halo?) current quad 2 (modulus nA) bias (volts) scan at 4V/sec beam on quadrant B beam off ceramic package leakage 17pA at +350V Quadrant device with Keithley 485 electrometers (100msec integration), monochromatic beam ESRF ID09 electrode ground bounce crosstalk Libera RF readout measures signal power in bandwidth ~5MHz at 500MHz synchrotron radiofrequency → only ‘fast' e, h charge drift induction signal (Ramo) within RF passband is measured → signal increases with bias as e, h carriers have not reached saturation drift velocity ( E fields ≤ 1.4Vµm-1)

6 scCVD diamond responsivity with X-ray energy; linearity vs. X-ray flux
J Morse et al, J. Synch. Rad 16 (2007) 1.E - 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 1.E+00 1.E+01 power Absorbed by Diamond (W) Gas ion chamber calibration Calorimetric calibration Fit, w = / 0.2 eV diamond signal (Amps) J. Bohon et al, J. Synch. Rad 17, (2010) → linear current response demonstrated over 10 orders of magnitude ! data from e6 ELSC material responsivity fit Platinum electrodes M edge features: J. Keister and J. Smedley, NIM A 606, (2009), 7

7 CVD bulk, surface defects
M.P. Gaukroger et al., Diam Relat. Mat. 2008 threading dislocations → crystal strain visible with X-ray diffraction topography or by polarized optical light transmission (birefringence) Surface damage from thinning/polishing laser cut high purity CVD overgrowth overgrowth with threading dislocations HPHT grown substrate crystal

8 Deep etching of diamond
quadrant position monitors use signal interpolation, requires s/n ~103… 104 → need high uniformity of response across device active area ~10mm2 beam position and intensity monitoring measurement 'bandwidth' required is from zero …~1kHz → drift from polarization effects, and/or signal 'lag' cannot be tolerated (use of bias reversal very undesirable in this application) → need to remove polish-damaged sub-surface layer (several microns depth) plasma and ion beam etching techniques : ` planar removal of diamond surface with ~nanometer residual damage offers local area, masked etching to create robust, 'superthinned' (few µm) devices central area ArO etched to ~3µm diamond polished plate ~50µm metal electrodes ~50nm ~3um thick device tested at Soleil Synchrotron K Desjardins et al, J. Synchrotron Rad. (2014) 21 practical challenges: - etching processes are not inherently planarizing -need to avoid local etch pit formation at pre-existing bulk or surface defects -surface roughening related to existing polish damage of surface … and need process with ≥microns/hour etch rate

9 Deep etching - Project aims
To obtain adequate X-ray transparency for low energy X-ray beams (2~5 keV), diamonds must be ‘super-thinned’ to 5~20 µm. High risk of plate edge chipping and breakage when processing to <50µm using scaife ‘abrasive’ polishing method. Ion Beam Milling Inc. Argon etched Masked plasma etching can give robust ‘window-framed’ membrane devices.  See M.Pomorski, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, (2013 Consider/test different masking methods to delimit membrane area.

10 Masking techniques Laser machined polycrystalline diamond masks for plasma etching 4.5mm Vitreous carbon diamond holder

11 Deep etching - Project aims
To obtain adequate X-ray transparency for low energy X-ray beams (2~5 keV), diamonds must be ‘super-thinned’ to 5~20 µm. High risk of plate edge chipping and breakage when processing to <50µm using scaife ‘abrasive’ polishing method. Ion Beam Milling Inc. Argon etched Masked plasma etching can give robust ‘window-framed’ membrane devices.  See M.Pomorski, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, (2013 Consider/test different masking methods to delimit membrane area. Compare different etchant gases and machine set-ups. Determine how initial surface polish affects etch rates and final surface.

12 Plasma Etching techniques
Electron cyclotron resonance plasma etching machine – Centre de Recherche Plasmas-Matériaux-Nanostructures, Grenoble, with Alexandre Bes. Inductively coupled plasma etching machine - PTA-Minatech, Grenoble, with Thierry Chevolleau and Thomas Charvolin. Plasma Diamond sample

13 Pure Oxygen etch result
Electron cyclotron resonance plasma etching Etch time: 120 minutes. Oxygen flow: 40sccm Pressure: 4.0mT Coil power: 2 x 600W Platen power: 150W Bias: ~ -142V

14 Argon/Oxygen etch result
Electron cyclotron resonance plasma etching Courtesy of Etienne Bustarret, Insitut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble Etch time: 60 minutes. Argon flow: 24sccm Oxygen flow: 4sccm Pressure: 7.0mT Coil power: 2 x 600W Platen power: 120W Bias: ~ -140V

15 Argon/Chlorine Etch Results
Inductively coupled plasma etching machine - PTA-Minatech, Grenoble, with Thierry Chevolleau and Thomas Charvolin. Pre-etch surface RMS: 3.85nm Post-etch surface Etch time: 60 minutes, Argon flow: 25sccm, Chlorine flow: 40sccm. Lee, C.L et al. (2008) Diamond and Related Materials, 17 (7-10). pp RMS: 1.84nm

16 Conclusions Thank you. Initial trials: surface quality (presence of damage pits on 'standard' e6 CVD samples) has major impact on final surface roughness and topology. Pursuing trials with fine scaife polished HPHT 1b and CVD samples. Machine type Gas used Etch rate achieved Comments ECR Oxygen ~ 6µm/hour Fast etch but surface roughness increased. Argon/Oxygen ~ 12µm/hour Preferential etching of pre-existing damage pits along crystal planes. ICP Argon/Chlorine ~ 4µm/hour Surface roughness improved

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