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INEQUALITIES Focus 7 7 th Grade Math. Math Notebook - Table of Contents DateTitlePage 2/4/14Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.1Fresh Left 2/5/14Focus 7 Common.

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Presentation on theme: "INEQUALITIES Focus 7 7 th Grade Math. Math Notebook - Table of Contents DateTitlePage 2/4/14Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.1Fresh Left 2/5/14Focus 7 Common."— Presentation transcript:

1 INEQUALITIES Focus 7 7 th Grade Math

2 Math Notebook - Table of Contents DateTitlePage 2/4/14Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.1Fresh Left 2/5/14Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.2Fresh Left 2/7/14 Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.3Fresh Left 2/10/14Focus 7 CMP2- Variables and Patterns 3.1Fresh Left 2/11/14Focus 7 CMP2- V&P 3.2Fresh Left 2/14/14Focus 7 CMP2- V&P 3.3Fresh Left

3 Inequalities Learning Goal Students will be able to extend their knowledge of equations to include solving and graphing inequalities on a number line. Students will be able to solve real world problems involving equations and inequalities.

4 Today, my learning target is to… Write equations to represent situations In this problem, students write equations for calculating revenue, expenses, and profits for Ocean Bike Tours based on the number of customers. They also adjust the equation to account for new information.

5 MY PROGRESS CHART Before we start the Learning Target Lesson, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much prior knowledge do you have regarding that goal? Chart your prior knowledge using your pre-target score icon.

6 Getting Reading for 3.3 The revenue is the money a company takes in. For Ocean Bike Tours, it is the money customers pay. Does the revenue depend on the number of customers? yes How much revenue does the company make per customer? $350 The expenses are the things the company has to spend money for. What expenses are shown in this table? bike rental and food and camp costs Do these expenses depend on the number of customers? yes What is the total of all the expenses for each customer? $30 + $125 = $155 The profit is the money a company makes after all the expenses are paid. How would you calculate the profit for the tour? Subtract the expenses from the revenue Based on this table, will Ocean Bike Tours make a profit if they have only one customer? yes How much profit will they make? $350 - $155 = $195



9 Summarize 3.3- Explain to your neighbor what you did to fill in the revenue column. Underline the variables in the rule. Explain to your neighbor how you translated the rule into an equation (revenue, bike rental, food and camp, total expenses)? How can you find the total expenses for any number of customers? Multiply $30 by the number of customers, and multiply $125 by the number of customers. Then, add the two results. Add $30 and $125, and multiply the sum, $155, by the number of customers. Share with your neighbor how these rules could be translated into equations. What would be the translation of the rule for calculating profit into an equation? There are several correct versions of the profit equation, including: p = 350n - 155n, p = 350n - (30n + 125n), p = 350n - 30n - 125n, p =195n

10 Summary For Question D: What is the van-rental cost if 5 people go on the tour? If 10 people go? If 25 people go? It is $700 no matter how many people go, up to a point. For this problem, assume they only need one van. Is the van-rental cost a variable? Why or why not? No. It is not a variable because it doesn’t change. How can you change your equation for expenses to account for the van? add 700 to the right side What is the new equation? Possible equation: e = 155n + 700 What would the new profit equation be? Possible equations: p = 350n - (155n + 700) or p = 350n - 155n - 700)

11 Answers

12 Today, I achieved my learning target by… Writing equations to represent situations In this problem, students write equations for calculating revenue, expenses, and profits for Ocean Bike Tours based on the number of customers. They also adjust the equation to account for new information.

13 MY PROGRESS CHART After the completion of the Learning Target, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much has your understanding of the Learning Target changed? Did your understand increase or decrease? Chart your current knowledge using your Post-target score icon.

14 7th Grade Math Focus 7 Homework ACE 3.2 Core #5-8 3.3 Core # 13-19

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