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Subtracting Integers 7th Pre-Algebra.

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Presentation on theme: "Subtracting Integers 7th Pre-Algebra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subtracting Integers 7th Pre-Algebra

2 Warm up 1. A person blinks an average of 25 times per minute when awake. Last year (not a leap year), Katelyn averaged 9 hours, 45 minutes of sleep each day. How many times did Katelyn blink last year?

3 Check HW

4 Subtracting Integers Using number chips: A. 5 – 3 = B. -5 – (-3) = C. -10 – (-5) = D. 5 – (-3) = E. 7 – (-4) = F. 4 – 9 =

5 Subtracting continued:
Using the number line: A. 5 – 3 = B. -5 – (-3) = C. -10 – (-5) = D. 5 – (-3) = E. 7 – (-4) = F. 4 – 9 =

6 Real world Example The Spartan Bike Shop keeps a record of their business transactions. They start their account a zero dollars. Payments represent negative transactions. Sales represent positive transactions. Write a number sentence to represent each transaction. Then find the new balance.

7 Spartan Bike shop Rent payment for shop: $1,800
Payment for 20 new bicycles: $2,150 Payment on office equipment: $675 Business insurance for 6 months: $2,300 Sale of 3 bicycles: $665 Sale of two helmets and one baby seat: $95 Web site advertising down payment: $250 Sale of 6 bicycles: $1,150 Refund to an unhappy customer: $225 Sale of 2 bicycles, two helmets, and two air pumps: $750 Check from manufacturer for 5 bicycles returned: $530

8 HW Textbook p. 66 (9-16)

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