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Capacity Development Needs of Senior Civil Servants “ Women are half of any population and mothers of the other half ”

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1 Capacity Development Needs of Senior Civil Servants “ Women are half of any population and mothers of the other half ”

2  Gender as a concept needs to be mainstreamed in Policy, Programme formulation and implementation.  Gender issues are a part of all training programmes including its Capacity Building efforts of ERP’s by AMR- APARD.  Many modules and vast content is already in use in AMR-APARD.

3  Sensitizing the R.R’s at the very beginning of their career is important.  Gender has value and can grab the attention because of the very innate strength in the concept and its disequalizing effects that existed historically.

4 But what is required is good content  Real life stories  Short films made on path breaking initiatives (4 to 6 minutes)  Short & Crisp reading material  Focus on “Women in double Jeopard”  Powerful communicators as RPs

5  A simple and short version of National Policy of the empowerment of women  Enhance the status of women in all walks of life  Equality without discrimination on grounds of sex (constitutional guarantee)

6 Subjects for inclusion Gender Patriarchal setup Integrating Gender into Govt. Budgets Gender based violence State Govts as agents of change Women Participation in policy making ie.ERs in RLBs, ULBs & Assembly and Parliament State’s policies play a crucial role in shaping the development process

7 Deprivations Understanding relations Women’s empowerment Environment Threats to gender’s well being Impeding education Endangering Livelihoods Disequalizing factors Gender equality Gender inequality index

8 Gender Inequality Index (Indian context)  GII – Three dimensions & Five indicators Gender Inequalit y Index Wages commanded Empowerment Reproductiv e Health MMR Adolescen t fertility Elected Represent ation Educational (Secondary & above) Women Labor Participation Five indicators Three dimensions

9 Power inequality Gender & Geography Gender through the lens of multi dimensional poverty Gender & Climate change Gender & Livelihoods Chronic disadvantages Greater equality resulting in positive effects on environment Household level deprivations Gender issues among socially disadvantaged groups

10  Multi dimensional poverty index to measure various parameters in health, education, living standards  Absolute deprivations  Violation of basic human rights  MPI estimates are currently available for 190 countries in which INDIA ranks 134

11  Globally more than 9 out of 10 poor people face at least one deprivation  Urban & Rural concepts among MPI  Case studies in gender budgeting

12 Components Feticide Infanticide Discrimination by parents / House hold Educational deprivation Sexual exploitation Eve teasing Assaults Early marriage Early pregnancy

13 Unsafe deliveries Contraceptive discrimination HIV - AIDS Burden of the family Old age Desolation Disease







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