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EEA 2012 – Middle School STEM Day 1, PM Content Session.

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Presentation on theme: "EEA 2012 – Middle School STEM Day 1, PM Content Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA 2012 – Middle School STEM Day 1, PM Content Session

2 Speed Networking Speed Networking

3 Now it’s your turn Conversation Starters Name, School, Content Area STEM Professional Development Goals Familiarity of STEM Standards of Practice Other: what do you have in common, what’s new, I am best when..

4 “In a recent global survey undertaken by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, … 95% said that face-to-face meetings are a key factor in successfully building and maintaining long-term relationships” ( Speed Networking is the up and coming method for networking in professional careers.

5 Participants will: develop an understanding of how to use the STEM Standards of Practice Framework. analyze the STEM Standards of Practice Framework Instructional Guide Grade 6-8.

6 STEM Education as an approach to teaching and Learning that integrates the content and skills of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM Standards of Practice guide STEM instruction by defining the combination of behaviors, integrated with STEM content, which is expected of a proficient STEM student. These behaviors include engagement in inquiry, logical reasoning, collaboration, and investigation. The goal of STEM Education is to prepare students for post-secondary study and the 21 st century workforce.

7 1.Learn and Apply Rigorous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content 2.Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content 3.Interpret and Communicate STEM Information 4.Engage in Inquiry 5.Engage in Logical Reasoning 6.Collaborate as a STEM Team 7.Apply Technology Appropriately

8 The Deep Dive: One Company’s Secret Weapon for Innovation

9 Discussion Question: Which STEM Standards of Practice did you see employed in the video of a Real World STEM activity? Apply and Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Interpret and Communicate STEM Information Engage in Inquiry (Questioning) Collaborate as a STEM Team Apply Technology Strategically STEM eea 2012

10 We help them develop essential skills and knowledge associated with the STEM Standards of Practice!

11 SOP 7 SOP 3 SOP 4 SOP 5 SOP 6 SOP 2







18 Having Fun with STEM and Mardi Gras

19 Have you ever considered how Mardi Gras floats are designed to ensure the safety of the riders and the parade participants? How does a “Mardi Gras float engineer” design a float to navigate around the street corners? What about adding the fun animation to the float design? Mmm! Could it be? There is STEM in Mardi Gras!


21 A. Demonstrate an understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics content B. Apply Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics content to develop solutions to problems or construct answers to complex questions

22 A. Analyze interdisciplinary connections that exist within the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines and other disciplines B. Apply integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics content to develop solutions to problems or construct answers to complex questions



25 Discussion Questions: Recall the video of STEM in the Real World. How do the Essential Skills and Knowledge for SOP 1 & 2 prepare middle school students for STEM in the Real World? What are some strategies you would employ to assist middle school students in their development of these Essential Skills and Knowledge? STEM eea 2012

26 A. Identify, analyze, and synthesize appropriate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics information (text, visual, audio, etc.) B. Apply appropriate domain specific vocabulary when communicating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics content C. Engage in critical reading and writing of technical information

27 D. Evaluate and integrate multiple sources of information (e.g.: quantitative data, video and multimedia) presented in diverse formats E. Develop an evidence-based opinion or argument F. Communicate effectively and precisely with others

28 Discussion Question: Recall the video of STEM in the Real World. How do the Essential Skills and Knowledge for SOP 3 prepare middle school students for STEM in the Real World? What are some strategies you would employ to assist middle school students in their development of these Essential Skills and Knowledge? STEM eea 2012


30 Dayton Regional STEM Center:

31 STEM Education is about teaching kids how to think, so they can solve real world problems. Inquiry process skills are very important habits of mind to develop in STEM Education. Students need to be more creative and imaginative as they develop solutions to real world problems. STEM is not only about getting the right answer, but also about knowing how and why you got that answer – that is employing Logical Reasoning and Critical Thinking.

32 A. Ask questions to identify and define global issues, challenges and real world problems B. Conduct research to refine questions and develop new questions

33 A. Engage in critical thinking B. Evaluate, select, and apply appropriate systematic approaches (scientific investigation, engineering design process, and/or mathematical practices)

34 C. Apply Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics content to construct creative and innovate ideas D. Analyze the impact of global issues and real world problems at the local, state, national, and international levels

35 Discussion Questions: Recall the video of STEM in the Real World. How do the Essential Skills and Knowledge for SOP 4 and 5 prepare middle school students for STEM in the Real World? What are some strategies you would employ to assist middle school students in their development of these Essential Skills and Knowledge? STEM eea 2012


37 A. Identify, analyze, and perform a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics specific Subject Matter Expert (SME) role B. Share ideas and work effectively with the STEM focused multidisciplinary team to achieve a common goal

38 C. Listen and be receptive to ideas of others D. Analyze career opportunities that exist in a variety of STEM fields relevant to the STEM focused multidisciplinary team’s goal

39 Fred has been viewing the Mardi Gras festivities each year from his boat on Lake Pontchartrain, New Orleans. His boat has capsized and he’s stuck! Fortunately, his life preserver is in the boat, but unfortunately he does not know how to reach it without falling off and drowning. Adjusted from an activity contributed by Stacy Fox from NSTA ListServe

40 Post-Challenge Discussion Questions Did each team member understand the Team’s goal? Were there experts identified on the team? Were there team management roles established? What would your team do differently if given the opportunity to work collaboratively as a team again to solve a challenge? Which essential skills and knowledge from Standard of Practice 6 did your team employ? STEM eea 2012

41 A. Identify and understand technologies needed to develop solutions to problems or construct answers to complex questions. B. Analyze the limits, risks, and impacts of technology

42 C. Engage in responsible/ethical use of technology D. Improve or create new technologies that extend human capability


44 Discussion Questions: Recall the video of STEM in the Real World. How do the Essential Skills and Knowledge for SOP 7 prepare middle school students for STEM in the Real World? What are some strategies you would employ to assist middle school students in their development of these Essential Skills and Knowledge? STEM eea 2012


46 STEM Standards of Practice framework illustrates essential skills and knowledge students should develop to be prepared for the 21 st century workforce. Students and teachers will be able to see the world through a STEM lens. You can see STEM in everything, even a Mardi Gras or carnival parade!

47 Participants will: continue exploration of the STEM Standards of Practice Frameworks. review STEM unit and lesson components. review STEM resources on the curriculum management system. use the STEM Standards of Practice Framework Instructional Guide and STEM Lesson Rubric to develop STEM units, lessons, or lesson seeds.

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