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3rd Grade Sra. Medina, Sra. Rivera, Sr. Rice, Sra. Ryan Adams Spanish Immersion School.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Grade Sra. Medina, Sra. Rivera, Sr. Rice, Sra. Ryan Adams Spanish Immersion School."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Grade Sra. Medina, Sra. Rivera, Sr. Rice, Sra. Ryan Adams Spanish Immersion School

2 General School Policies / Arrival / Students should not be dropped off before 9:10. / Students must be in their class, ready to begin by 9:30. / Dismissal / Please send a note if there will be any change to your child’s normal dismissal routine. / After school pick up is in the cafeteria. / Arrival / Students should not be dropped off before 9:10. / Students must be in their class, ready to begin by 9:30. / Dismissal / Please send a note if there will be any change to your child’s normal dismissal routine. / After school pick up is in the cafeteria.

3 Other School Policies / Birthdays, Lunch, and Snacks / Birthdays will be celebrated with a monthly, treat- free activity. Please help us stay safe and healthy! / Free and reduced lunch applications available for families. Please complete and turn in to cafeteria or office. / No cell phones, ipods, PSPs, etc. / Birthdays, Lunch, and Snacks / Birthdays will be celebrated with a monthly, treat- free activity. Please help us stay safe and healthy! / Free and reduced lunch applications available for families. Please complete and turn in to cafeteria or office. / No cell phones, ipods, PSPs, etc.

4 Speaking Spanish / Spanish is expected to be spoken all day, except during the English Language Arts block. / Spanish should be spoken with the teacher, but also between students. / The importance of speaking Spanish should be emphasized both at school and at home. / Spanish is expected to be spoken all day, except during the English Language Arts block. / Spanish should be spoken with the teacher, but also between students. / The importance of speaking Spanish should be emphasized both at school and at home.

5 Discipline / We follow the Responsive Classroom Model to build a positive classroom community. / Warning system: warning, take a break, reflection, report to parents, to the office. / We follow the Responsive Classroom Model to build a positive classroom community. / Warning system: warning, take a break, reflection, report to parents, to the office. Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. The school has also implemented a school wide behavior model focusing on three key behaviors: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.

6 Reader’s Workshop / September-November / Reader’s Workshop Launch: Introduce Buenos Hábitos, Grande Lectores / Independent Reading, Guided Reading Groups / Review comprehension strategies, rules and routines for independent and group reading, and build reading stamina / December-January / Exploring Ideas and Characters, Informational Reading, and Author Study / February-June / Poetry, Understanding Dialogue / Comprehension Building during independent and shared reading / September-November / Reader’s Workshop Launch: Introduce Buenos Hábitos, Grande Lectores / Independent Reading, Guided Reading Groups / Review comprehension strategies, rules and routines for independent and group reading, and build reading stamina / December-January / Exploring Ideas and Characters, Informational Reading, and Author Study / February-June / Poetry, Understanding Dialogue / Comprehension Building during independent and shared reading

7 Writer’s Workshop Writing / Curriculum this year based on Common Core Standards / Launch in the Writer’s Workshop / Memoir with voice recording / Social Studies and Science Research / Book Review / Research Project with Digital Publication / Realistic Fiction / Poetry / Product or Place Review and Oral Presentation Writing / Curriculum this year based on Common Core Standards / Launch in the Writer’s Workshop / Memoir with voice recording / Social Studies and Science Research / Book Review / Research Project with Digital Publication / Realistic Fiction / Poetry / Product or Place Review and Oral Presentation Skills Block / Spanish grammar, spelling, and vocabulary / Cursive

8 Math - 3rd Grade 11 Units covering… / Routines, Review, Assessment / Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers / Linear Measures and Area / Multiplication and Division / Place value in Whole Numbers and Decimals / Geometry / Fractions / Measurement and Data / Probability 11 Units covering… / Routines, Review, Assessment / Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers / Linear Measures and Area / Multiplication and Division / Place value in Whole Numbers and Decimals / Geometry / Fractions / Measurement and Data / Probability

9 Math - 4th Grade / Twelve Units covering: / Geometry of one, two, and three dimensional figures. / Measurement of length and volume / Multiplication and division of one, two, and three digit numbers. / Fractions: Adding, subtracting, equivalent fractions / Probability / Place value, decimals, fractions, rounding and estimating / Mathematical Reasoning and Problem Solving / Data Analysis and Graphing / Twelve Units covering: / Geometry of one, two, and three dimensional figures. / Measurement of length and volume / Multiplication and division of one, two, and three digit numbers. / Fractions: Adding, subtracting, equivalent fractions / Probability / Place value, decimals, fractions, rounding and estimating / Mathematical Reasoning and Problem Solving / Data Analysis and Graphing

10 English Language Arts Phonics: Words Their Way or word workNational GeographicSpellingTumble books, RazKids, etc.Book groupsMondo Reading Curriculum 150 minutes per week

11 Field Trips / Social Studies 1. MN History Center 2. Mill City Museum / Social Studies 1. MN History Center 2. Mill City Museum / Science 1. Como Planetarium 2. Science Museum (depending on current exhibits) 3. Belwin Nature Center 4. Minnesota Zoo Other Special Events: Musical Presentations and Visiting Authors Please note that trips are subject to change and more information will be available when trips are officially scheduled

12 Assessment / Math: / Pre and Post unit evaluation based on standards / Homework and Math Journal / MCA-III Math / Math: / Pre and Post unit evaluation based on standards / Homework and Math Journal / MCA-III Math / Literacy: / EDL Spanish Reading and Comprehension / CBM’s - 1 minute reading check in both languages / Words Their Way Spelling Inventory / Mondo English Reading Comprehension / Teacher conferences and small group observation / MCA-III Reading Please note: Final MCA- III results will not be available until late summer or early fall of fourth grade

13 Homework / Weekly reading packet / Students should be reading 30 minutes each night / Daily math homework Monday through Thursday night / No homework on the weekends or on test days / A grade level bulletin will be sent out every 2 weeks. / Please read for any changes in homework, classroom specific assignments, and information about projects that may require work outside of class. / Weekly reading packet / Students should be reading 30 minutes each night / Daily math homework Monday through Thursday night / No homework on the weekends or on test days / A grade level bulletin will be sent out every 2 weeks. / Please read for any changes in homework, classroom specific assignments, and information about projects that may require work outside of class.

14 Grading / Grading will be aligned with MN State Standards as presented on the student report card 3 times per year. / Students will also be graded in specialist classes / E= Exceptional / P= Proficient / D= Developing / B= Beginning / Grading will be aligned with MN State Standards as presented on the student report card 3 times per year. / Students will also be graded in specialist classes / E= Exceptional / P= Proficient / D= Developing / B= Beginning

15 Questions/Preguntas / Please feel free to ask any questions or contact us in the future via email or by phone / / / / / Please feel free to ask any questions or contact us in the future via email or by phone / / / /

16 Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to working with all of you.

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