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ANTARCTIC CLIMATE EVOLUTION (ACE) An international research initiative to study the climate and glacial history of Antarctica through palaeoclimate and.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTARCTIC CLIMATE EVOLUTION (ACE) An international research initiative to study the climate and glacial history of Antarctica through palaeoclimate and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTARCTIC CLIMATE EVOLUTION (ACE) An international research initiative to study the climate and glacial history of Antarctica through palaeoclimate and ice-sheet modeling integrated with the geological record.

2 ANTARCTIC CLIMATE EVOLUTION Understand scale & rapidity of ice sheet & sea ice response to climate forcing sea level change change in heat sinks/insulators

3 Modeling ice-sheet behaviour in response to changes in: climate ice cores sedimentary facies seismic data palaeooceanographic conditions palaeoecology climate proxies in ocean sediments palaeogeography recorded in landscape evolution Build hypotheses, examinable through modeling, of likely response to future global change

4 Datasets contributing to ACE programme

5 History of climate change: Cenozoic stratigraphic record PROXIMAL SEDIMENTARY RECORDS PROXY-RECORDS GLACIAL EUSTASY ANTARCTIC CRYO-CYCLOSTRATIGRAPHY Deep Sea Oxygen Isotope Record Low Latitude Sequence Stratigraphy LATITUDE HIGH LOW

6 SHALDRIL: Ship-deployed coring - few 100 meter records from continental shelves Test cruise planned Feb-March 2005 Planning since 1994

7 ANDRILL: Stratigraphic records from drilling on sea ice / ice shelf platforms Italy Germany New Zealand USA Drilling: 2006 & 2007



10 Initiation of East Antarctic glaciation: coupled GCM-ice sheet model (from DeConto and Pollard, 2003, Nature)

11 ACE will: Promote planning and collaboration for acquisition of data at critical locations indicated by modeling results Compile and evaluate geological records of climate change across continent Apply latest numerical modeling schemes to assess response to climate forcings Publish volumes from theme-based symposia and workshops

12 Modeling Themes: Ice sheet modeling coupled ice sheet - climate modeling coupled ice sheet - sediment modeling Process-Oriented Themes: Terrestrial landscapes Tectonics - ice sheets, ocean-floor topography Climate influence - sedimentary record Time-based Themes: Eocene to Holocene target intervals

13 Critical thresholds:


15 IPY Contributions: Theme 2: To quantify, and understand, past and present environmental and human change in the Polar regions in order to improve predictions how has planet responded to multiple glacial cycles? what critical factors triggered the cooling of the polar regions? Theme 3: global teleconnections Theme 4: unknowns at the frontiers of science New data integrated/understood through modeling

16 Outreach & Education: Web: online lecture series Young scientists: support travel to workshops organize exchange between institutions

17 ANTARCTIC CLIMATE EVOLUTION (ACE) An international research initiative to study the climate and glacial history of Antarctica through palaeoclimate and ice-sheet modeling integrated with the geological record.

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