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ALL practice and research database: sharing practice and research beyond the boundaries of our institutions Project history and functions.

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Presentation on theme: "ALL practice and research database: sharing practice and research beyond the boundaries of our institutions Project history and functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALL practice and research database: sharing practice and research beyond the boundaries of our institutions Project history and functions

2 Promoting ongoing cross institutional AALL collegiality, professionalism and research Dr. Bronwyn James Learning Development University of Wollongong Wollongong, NSW 2522 Australia Dr. Judy Maxwell Study and Learning Centre RMIT University Melbourne, Vic. 3000 Australia

3 Stages in the development of the database 2007- Towards benchmarking project (AALL- funded project - James, Dearlove et al.) 2008-2009 Revised to accommodate 2 AALL funded projects – Research (Maxwell) and Practice (James ) 2009 Presentation at the AALL conference 2010 – 2011 Further revision and trialling at UoW and RMIT 2008 - Database for ALL research (AALL-funded project - Maxwell) 2011 Presentation at AALL conference 2008 - Promoting ongoing cross- institutional ALL collegiality & professional- ism (AALL- funded project – James)

4 Database and Resource for academic language and learning Practice and Research The database is searchable across these fields:

5 Practice and Research sub categories Practice categories: Competitive grants and awards Conference hosting Courses/subjects for credit Courses/subjects not for credit Evaluation External body consultancy Independent and self-directed learning Integration/embedding into disciplines Peer mentoring Peer tutoring Policy development and governance Research and scholarly activities related to ALL practice Resource development Retention Staff and tutor development and support Student consultations Testing/needs analysis Workshops, lectures and tutorials Other

6 Practice and Research sub categories (cont.) Cohorts: TAFE Foundation Undergraduate Honours Postgraduate coursework Postgraduate research Domestic International Off-campus/off-shore Transition Linguistic and cultural diversity Indigenous Mature age Low SES Students with disability Other equity Other

7 Practice and Research sub categories (cont.) Learning focus: Active learning Academic literacy Clinical/workplace communication Computing literacy Critical thinking, reading and writing English language learning Exam preparation and strategies Graduate/professional qualities/capabilities Group/team work Library/information literacy Listening in lectures and tutorials Mathematics/numeracy/statistics Note-taking On-line learning Oral presentations Reading strategies Referencing and plagiarism Reflective practice Research Science literacy Time management/goal setting Writing for publication Other

8 Bibliographic side Search fields:  Institution  Publication title  Author  Year  Student cohort  Learning focus  Practice label If the publication relates to a particular ALL practice, there will be a link under: ALL Practice label Practice side Search fields:  Student cohort  Learning focus  Practice label If a practice has been published, there will be a link under: All Publications The two sides to the database Purpose: To identify practices in ALL units Purpose: To identify ALL publications Clicking these to the other links takes you side of the DB Identical practice labels link to each other

9 Sample DB practice entries

10 Search practice: Search student cohort: Search learning focus: Searching the Practice DB

11 Creating a practice entry User manual for database available on the landing page

12 Report output as case study PDF

13 Report Output sample: Count of organisational units conducting practice Count of practices for single organisational unit

14 Sample DB bibliographic entries Default position is inverse chronological orderAbstract & details appear when item is clicked

15 Searching the Bibliographic DB Or just browse the titles Search under any or all of these search areas

16 Creating a bibliographic entry User manual for database available on the landing page

17 What now? For the database to grow, the AALL community needs to take responsibility. 1. If your university begins a new practice, please create a new practice entry. 2. If you have written a journal article, conference paper, book, book chapter or other academic text, please create a new bibliographic entry. If you have any difficulties, please contact Bronwyn James (for practice entries) or Judy Maxwell (for bibliographic entries). For our AALL community to continue to grow, we need to share our practice and publications.

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