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National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee INFRAESTRUCTURA GEOCIENTÍFICA Y SERVICIOS Sistemas de Información Geocientífica National.

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Presentation on theme: "National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee INFRAESTRUCTURA GEOCIENTÍFICA Y SERVICIOS Sistemas de Información Geocientífica National."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee INFRAESTRUCTURA GEOCIENTÍFICA Y SERVICIOS Sistemas de Información Geocientífica National Polar Data Centre Spain Oscar Bermúdez Spanish Geological Survey II Meeting SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM) 31 July-1 August 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina

2 2 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee The Spanish polar structure is something complex due principally to the lack of Antartic Institute. The Antarctic authority is settled in the Spanish Polar Committee, where it has been tried to include all the implicated parties. The technical secretary of the Spanish polar committee is in charge of coordinating the Spanish polar activities.

3 3 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee Referring to logistics platforms, Spain has two Antarctic stations, actives during the austral summer, the station Juan Carlos I in the Livingston Island and the station Gabriel de Castilla in Deception Island, both in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, and two oceanographic vessels, BIO Hesperides and BIO Las Palmas. BIO Hespérides BIO Las Palmas BAE Juan Carlos I BAE Gabriel de Castilla

4 4 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee The National Polar Data Center was established in the 1999 year and has its location in the Spanish Geological Survey, in Madrid. The NPDC comprises also the Spanish Polar Archive with a documental background of more than 2000 cataloged documents Spanish Geological Survey

5 5 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee During the year 2007 the NPDC proposed a draft for policy of Antarctic data to the Spanish Polar Committee for its approval. That year the Spanish Polar Committee approved the protocol of Antarctic data sending still in date. That document is available thru our web page.

6 6 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee The principal activity of NPDC is the creation of metadata of the Spanish investigation projects. The National program does fund around 20 projects for year, and from the NDPC they offer technological support for the creation of the metadata records with personal sessions for each investigator. The investigator access to the system and each one loads its registered metadata.

7 7 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee Our tool is similar to the docbuilder but with IGME technology. That fact is also making a problem when the structure of DIF is modified so that we have to develop again our tool. The NDPC has in its register more that 234 metadata records and we hope to validate them in AMD during this second semester.

8 8 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee As I mention before, the principal investigators from projects are the responsible of the metadata generation and the system is traced because the request of the National Program of Investigation. The projects are differenced because if they have or not generate metadata and data has been sent. Almost 70% of the investigators fulfill the protocol and the rest 30% are delayed or simplify deny. From the 2007 we just act as policy in a 30% of the projects what means a great advanced.

9 9 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee http:// I may distinguish the relation with the National Committed from SCAR. This relation has been very positive, so between both jointly actions have been able to be considered and also increase the visualization of both organisms in our country.

10 10 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee Also, in the last year, the NDCP has divulged in were ever meeting to which he have had the possibility to assist, his paper and collaboration within the scientific community

11 11 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee One of the examples of coordination of the National Committee and the CNDP has been the access to the library of seismic data.

12 12 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee

13 13 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee

14 14 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee As same as the CNDP in coordination with National SCAR are contributing with the Project IBCSO and also was involved in facilitate the bathymetry regional data in the area of the Arc of Scotia.

15 15 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee

16 16 National Polar Data Centre Spanish Polar Committee I would like to last my dissertation inviting you to Palma de Mallorca for the following SCADM meeting in September 2011.


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