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Undergraduate Core at Doane March 14, 2013. Overview of Undergraduate Core at Doane Philosophy of the Undergraduate Core at Doane (aligned with mission)

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1 Undergraduate Core at Doane March 14, 2013

2 Overview of Undergraduate Core at Doane Philosophy of the Undergraduate Core at Doane (aligned with mission) Essential Student Learning Outcomes (aligned with philosophy) Understand foundational areas of knowledge (7 areas based on student outcomes) Develop crucial intellectual skills (4 student outcomes) Build connections of knowledge across various disciplines (3 student outcomes) Adapt their liberal education to serve and to lead at all levels of citizenship (3 student outcomes) Habits of an intellectual and balanced life (cross/co/extra-curricular) Communicate effectively (3 student habits) Use information wisely (3 student habits) Pursue a healthy life style (3 student habits) Components of the Undergraduate Core (achieve outcomes and habits) Foundational Areas of Knowledge21 credits Liberal Arts Studies 9 credits Experiential Studies at least3 credits Total number of Undergraduate Core credits at least 33 credits Guidelines and expectations for developing, offering, and assessing the effectiveness of the Undergraduate Core

3 Foundational Areas of Knowledge Seven multidisciplinary areas identified Community and Identity Mathematical Reasoning Rhetorical Communication Global and Cultural Contexts Scientific Perspectives Human Creativity In Search of Meaning and Well-Being Each area has a description and three outcomes which serve as the basis for guidelines and expectations for developing, offering, and assessing course In addition to outcomes unique to each course One or more area outcome addressed throughout course One or more area outcome addressed at some point in course Intentional and explicit articulation of area outcomes in syllabus and during course Agreement to facilitate all assessment activities of area outcomes Proposed by faculty offering the course, approved by the core committee

4 Liberal Arts Studies LAR101: Inquiry Seminar: Learning the Art of Inquiry Outcomes unique to each course Outcomes common to all courses align with the second essential student learning outcome - develop crucial intellectual skills (4 outcomes) - Intentional and explicit articulation of outcomes in syllabus and during course Common experiences determined by LAR101 faculty Students begin to engage in ongoing reflection about, and planning for, their educational experience LAR2xx: Integrative Seminar: Democracy and Diversity Outcomes unique to each course Outcomes common to all courses align with the third essential student learning outcome – build connections of knowledge across various disciplines (4 outcomes) Common experience is the examination of complex questions, which might vary by section, related to democracy and diversity from multiple perspectives Students continue to engage in ongoing reflection about, and planning for, their educational experience LAR3xx: Impact Seminar: Connecting Knowledge to Choice and Actions Outcomes unique to each course Outcomes common to all courses align with the fourth essential student learning outcome – adapt their liberal education to serve and lead Common experiences are to collaboratively analyze a complex, real-world problem, from multiple fields of study, engage in an experiential pedagogy, and publically present work Students continue to engage in ongoing reflection about, and planning for, their educational experience drawing on their specialized studies (majors/minors) and undergraduate core studies LAR3xx may also be satisfied with a variety of learning community configurations, optionally with experiential pedagogies

5 Highlights of Rationale for Undergraduate Core 1.Provides an outcome-based general education program aligned with the mission of the college and designed to complement specialized studies (the outcomes of majors and minors in the disciplines) 2.Attaches specific learning outcomes to Foundational Areas of Knowledge, allowing more consistent development, offering and assessment of courses that can fulfill an area; and a more intentional and explicit addressing of the outcomes in the courses 3.Creates opportunities for students through the Liberal Arts Studies (LAR) sequence to reflect on and plan their college experience based on achieving the outcomes, thereby guiding students to take more responsibility for their education 4.Ensures all students have at least one experiential learning opportunity with many having at least a second one via the LAR sequence 5.Incorporates effective teaching and learning practices in liberal education, including several recommended by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) 6.Reduces the overall number of credits required of general education, providing students the opportunity to experience more electives and/or pursue additional minors

6 Next Steps Read the proposals (email will be sent out; also available at Undergraduate Core at Doane Approved by the Doane Plan Committee in February, 2013 to begin fall 2014 (next year is a preparation year) Undergraduate Core Committee Contingent upon Undergraduate Core being approved Currently in Steering Committee Duties, membership, and guidelines (for consistency in achieving student outcomes) Initial courses to fulfill requirements of Undergraduate Core Contingent upon Undergraduate Core Committee being approved Departments/faculty teaching courses committed to meeting guidelines Proposed by General Education Task Force Faculty Forum March 28 at 11:00 Open discussion/debate/questions answered Other forums Members of the Task Force are available, just ask Open discussion/debate/questions answered April faculty meeting Discussion/debate/questions answered Vote (whether present or not)

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