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A.K.A. Hydrargyrum, Quicksilver, Death, Hg, Element Number 80.

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Presentation on theme: "A.K.A. Hydrargyrum, Quicksilver, Death, Hg, Element Number 80."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.K.A. Hydrargyrum, Quicksilver, Death, Hg, Element Number 80

2  Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act of 1996  Clean Air Act  Clean Water Act  Safe Drinking Water Act

3  Barometers  Catalysts9For Chlor-Alkali Production) And Pigments  Cells for Caustic Soda and Chlorine Production  Dental Amalgams  Electrical Instruments  Fluorescent Lamps  Fungicides/Preservatives (most uses now banned)  Extraction Of Gold & Silver  Investment Casting  Laboratory Reagent  Manometers  Medicines  Mercury Vapor Lamps  Metal Plating  Photography  Synthetic Silk  Solder  Tanning and Dyeing  Textile Production  Thermometers  Use In Boilers/Turbines For Electricity Generation

4  Extracted From Cinnabar  Refining Natural Gas  Reprocessing  Recycling

5  Human Effects Impaired Brain Function Kidney Problems  Environmental Effects Affects Water Quality Can Become Methylmercury


7 Mercury: A Death Threat  Common Sources: Barometers Thermometers Solders Fluorescent Lamps  Mercury Causes: Loss of Brain Functions DEATH  What you can do: Dispose of your Mercury at a Hazardous Waste Day On October 11 th, 25 th,& November 1 st in Essex, on Dump Road  Bring in your wastes for proper disposal such as: Gasoline Polishes Paint Stripper Disinfectants Brake Fluids Moth Balls Turpentine Mercury Transmission Fluid Batteries Aerosols Glues Herbicides, Pesticides Sealants Oil-based Paints Solvents Ammonia Brake Fluid and more*!

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