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1 Approaches to Antarctic Data Management - Finland Arto Vitikka Arctic Centre University of Lapland

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1 1 WWW.ARCTICCENTRE.ORG Approaches to Antarctic Data Management - Finland Arto Vitikka Arctic Centre University of Lapland

2 2 WWW.ARCTICCENTRE.ORG Approaches to Antarctic Data Management - Finland Antarctic research in Finland The authority responsible for Finnish Antarctic research is the Ministry of Education. The Academy of Finland is mainly responsible for the financing of Antarctic research projects. Universitites, Geological Survey, Meteorological Institute, Geodetic Institute

3 3 WWW.ARCTICCENTRE.ORG Finnish Antarctic Expeditions Research station Aboa was founded in 1988 Finland has co-operated in Antarctic research with other countries, especially with Sweden and Norway. Nordic co-operation has been implemented particularly in transportation arrangements. Logistics and the maintenance of the Aboa station are taken care by Finnarp department at the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

4 4 WWW.ARCTICCENTRE.ORG Data Management Not one data centre for Antarctic data Researchers sign an agreement with FINNARP Metadata must be submited to AMD Requirements on the data archieving and availability Agreement in line with the Antarctic Treaty

5 5 WWW.ARCTICCENTRE.ORG Data Management /2 Data is NOT available online! The data is stored in in-house databases to which access from outside is not allowed. This is mainly data safety reasons. Data can be acquired from the contact persons for the data and then the data is delivered.

6 6 WWW.ARCTICCENTRE.ORG Arctic vs. Antarctic Data No difference in data archiving, using the same archive infrastructure No major international arctic metadata system IPY improves the situation - the data management policy and recommendations are now more familiar to scientists.

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