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Chapter 9 Lesson 4 Coping with Loss.

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1 Chapter 9 Lesson 4 Coping with Loss

2 Different Kinds of Loss
Losses can be different and your reactions to loss may vary depending on the value you put on what has been lost Death in family Loss of pet Loss of game Loss of boyfriend/girlfriend

3 The Stages Of Loss Stage 1 – Denial – Person cannot believe
loss has occurred Stage 2 – Anger – “Why me” stage, person may become critical, demanding or uncooperative

4 The Stages Of Loss Stage 3 – Bargaining – Person may pray or promise to change if lost person or object can be returned Stage 4 – Depression – Stage marked by silence and withdrawal. Deep sense of sadness

5 The Stages Of Loss Stage 5 – Acceptance – Person faces reality in constructive ways and make significant and meaningful gestures surrounding the idea of loss

6 Responding to Loss Person suffering loss needs to talk about loss
May need to relive events by talking about it Over time person has sense of CLOSURE – a coming to an end of the most intense parts of the grieving process

7 Grief Counseling Delayed Grief Response – A putting off f the most intense stages of grief Talking with counselor who specializes in grief counseling may be helpful

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