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The Corner is funded in partnership with Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside Dundee Partnership 13 Shore Terrace Dundee Tel: 01382 206060

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Presentation on theme: "The Corner is funded in partnership with Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside Dundee Partnership 13 Shore Terrace Dundee Tel: 01382 206060"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Corner is funded in partnership with Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside Dundee Partnership 13 Shore Terrace Dundee Tel: 01382 206060 Email: Web: Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 2pm-4pm Sat: 1pm-4pm

2 1. Minimise meetings with Ex. 2. Get rid of or store away stuff that reminds you of the person who broke your heart. Including photos, letters, emails, texts and yes its time to delete him/her off Facebook 3. Recognise the reason why you feel bad, think of ways in which some of the reasons can be eliminated or avoided 4. Remember why the romance ended. The relationship ended because you deserve better 5. Remember there will be better days ahead 6. Spend more time with your friends and family 7. If you do not work out or exercise, start! It helps reduce stress and depression. Exercise will help improve your body and endorphins improve your mind 8. Start a new hobby or pastime. The pleasure of accomplishing something will counter act to the feelings of sadness. KEEP BUSY! 9. Find activities to do that make you happy. Stay away from sad movies, music or things that bring you down 10. Listen to music that gets adrenaline rushing, where lyrics are life affirming and strong 11. See this as a new beginning, meet new people, do new things. start to live your life again! Letting go

3 Do you maintain contact with his friends and family in the hope of getting back together with him/her? Is your Ex a point of reference? (I wonder what he/she would think of my new haircut or I wonder what he/she is doing now?) Do you torment yourself wondering if he/she is in a new relationship? This pattern of thinking is not helpful to you and needs to stop!! Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. To ease the heart break allow yourself to grieve and accept tears as part of the healing. It maybe that you need help with this by talking to people that you can trust. Do not let this pain turn into full on despair by feeding your pain (over-thinking about your ex), tell yourself “I’m thinking of him/ her again.” The simple act of noticing how you feed your pain will begin to dissolve it. To help with the healing process it is important to remember that he/she did not intend to hurt you, but were just showing their limitations. This will help you to stop taking things personally and to forgive. Although this break up may feel like the worst thing in the world, it may also be the best thing that ever happened to you. Step One: Ease the pain How do you know you are heartbroken? How to get over it

4 Step Two: Release constantly Step Three: Focus on your life vision Stop any behaviour that propels you towards them (see letting go). You need to quit thinking about him/her and imagining a reunion. Every time you start thinking of him/her, say (either out loud or silently) “I am moving on”. As you let go, a strange thing will happen. The universe will begin to support you. Synchronistic events and spontaneous good will arise to distract or pull you in another direction. Repeat this release, even if you have to do it dozens of times a day. As you begin to get positive results, it will become easier and easier to do. Refocus on your own life whenever you’re plagued with thoughts of your Ex. This is healing. As you go through the grieving that is natural upon a break-up, begin to open to a vision of your life as you want it. Each time you begin to think of your Ex, set these thoughts aside and instead contemplate the vision you’ve begun to create of yourself. One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go.

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