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Evolution of digestion
Amoeba – engulfs food, lysomes Hydra – digestive sack with single opening Earthworm/bird – pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine, anus Chordata – more complex digestive system
The Four Stages of Digestion
1. ingestion – taking in nutrients (i.e. eating) 2. digestion – breaking down complex molecules into smaller ones 3. absorption – taking up of digested molecules 4. egestion – removal of wastes
1. INGESTION and DIGESTION: the mouth
- food enters mouth - it is broken up by teeth: incisors cut canines and bicuspids pierce and tear molars crush and grind - action of chewing stimulates salivary glands which secrete saliva saliva: a mixture of water, mucus and enzymes (ex. amylase: breaks down starches into simpler carbohydrates)
food and saliva form a bolus that is pushed to the pharynx (dual purpose: air or food)
- flap-like epiglottis directs food down esophagus - bolus moves down esophagus through rhythmic muscle contractions (peristalsis) until it reaches the cardiac sphincter of the stomach
2. DIGESTION a) DIGESTION: the stomach
- the stomach is the site of food storage (1.5 L capacity) and initial protein digestion - to enter and to exit the stomach the food must pass through sphincters: constrictor muscles that surround a tubelike structure - cardiac sphincter relaxes and lets bolus fall in
- stomach is J-shaped and contains gastric juice (secreted by stomach lining): a mixture of hydrochloric acid, enzymes that work well at low pH (ex. pepsin: begins to break down proteins into polypeptides), and mucus - HCl breaks down fibres, including bacteria, mucus protects stomach lining from HCl (if mucus layer is destroyed, ex. Heliobacter pylori we get stomach ulcers as the lining is digested) - some absorption starts here: water, alcohol, some medications (ex. aspirin)
- mixture of partially digested food, water, and gastric juice is called chyme
- chyme passes out of stomach through pyloric sphincter and into small intestine
b) DIGESTION: the small intestine and pancreas
- measures up to 7 m in length, only 2.5 cm in diameter - pyloric sphincter empties chyme into duodenum, the first 25 cm of the small intestine - this is where the majority of digestion takes place - secretions from the pancreas and liver enter the duodenum through a duct
liver four functions: synthesis and breakdown, detoxification, storage 1. synthesis: produces bile (made of bile salts), which breaks down fats, bile is stored and concentrated in gallbladder until needed - bile functions as an emulsifier, to allow the fats to travel through the digestive system and be further broken-down - if too much bile /too concentrated bile is produced the bile stored in the gallbladder can start to crystallize forming gallstones which then block the bile duct
breakdown: removes the highly toxic nitrogen group from amino acids to form urea (component of urine) breaks down blood cells (stores products in gallbladder for removal – feces is brown), and any obstruction will turn skin yellow (jaundice)
3. detoxification: works to remove toxins from the body
- removes alcohol and other chemicals through detoxification 4. storage: stores carbohydrates and vitamins
pancreas - produces sodium bicarbonate, which raises the pH of chyme from 2.5 to 9.0 - secretes digestive enzymes, ex. lipase (breaks down fat) and trypsin (breaks down proteins)
small intestine - secretes maltase (maltose to glucose) and peptidase (complete protein breakdown)
SO: Carbohydrates glucose (amylase, maltase) Proteins amino acids (pepsin, peptidase) Fats (triglycerides) fatty acids and glycerol (bile, lipase)
3. ABSORPTION a) ABSORPTION: small intestine
- after the duodenum, the following two sections of the small intestine are the jejunum and the ileum - fingerlike villi increase the surface area of the small intestine, and absorb the glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol - once absorbed the nutrients enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body
b) ABSORPTION: large intestine (colon)
- water is absorbed - harmless bacteria live in large intestine and produce vit K and B which are also absorbed
4. EGESTION: rectum and anus
- cellulose helps to void bowels, removing potentially toxic wastes - ppl who don’t eat enough cellulose are at risk of colon cancer entire process: hours
Interesting…. - the nervous and hormonal systems act on digestion before we even eat: seeing, smelling and tasting food stimulates gastric secretions - swallowing stimulates production of gastric juices, ex. the hormone gastrin stimulate gastric juice release before food gets to stomach
- speed of digestion also varies with food type
- large meal activates stronger stomach muscle contractions and faster emptying - fatty meal: digestion slows down in response to a hormone from the small intestine (enterogasterone) to allow more time for fat digestion (we feel full longer after a fatty meal)
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