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10/15/11 New Media and The Rise of the Crowd Lanre Aina Business Analyst, Google.

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Presentation on theme: "10/15/11 New Media and The Rise of the Crowd Lanre Aina Business Analyst, Google."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/15/11 New Media and The Rise of the Crowd Lanre Aina Business Analyst, Google

2 2 Understanding New Media The Implications of New Media 1 2 3 New Media in Business The Future of Media 4

3 Google Confidential and Proprietary 3 Understanding New Media

4 4 What is New Media? Any form of media with the following characteristics: Interaction is defined by Many:Many Provide on-demand access to Content Anywhere (not bound by geography) On any digital device With interactive user-feedback And creative participation & community formation around media content

5 5 The Evolution of Media Media is always new 1455 J.Gutenberg’s Print-Press 183018951930 19141923 1 st Photograph Moving Picture Lumiere Brothers Cross continental Telephone Television Motion Picture – Charlie Chaplin 195119691976 1994 1 st long distance electric telegraph line by S.Morse 1843 1 st Computer Sold ARPANET Home Computer W was born Interaction defined by: 1:1 and 1:Many The US release control of the Internet

6 6 The Revolution of Media Truly interactive, 2-way digital Many:Many conversation, Read and Write Web 1994 WWWWWW Web 0.5 Web 1.0 45million Users + 250,000 Websites Web 2.0 Characterized by bulletin board systems, brochureware, digital duplication or versioning, interactivity, read only web 1:Many Media is always new BBS

7 7 Augmented Reality

8 Google Confidential and Proprietary 8 The Implications of New Media

9 9 The Implication of New Media A gradual fading away of geographic boundaries making physical location less significant for social relationships. Users have evolved from just being consumers to participators. Democratization of the creation, publishing, distributing and consumption of media content. The rise of the amateur class as a result of the lowered bar of entry and transaction cost The birth of pseudo-cultures and online paradigms. For example, the fact that information wants to be free. Cannibalisation of traditional media.

10 Google Confidential and Proprietary 10 New Media in Business

11 11 Understanding the Consumer

12 12 New Media Cases: Process Integration

13 What are Nigerians searching for online? Nigeria User Search Behavior vs. Ghana vs. USA

14 14 New Media Cases: Entrepreneurs Michelle Phan Naija Boyz More than 470 million total upload views Over 1.6million subscriber

15 15 New Media Cases: Online Marketing Campaigns Nike HyperDunks Derivative Video More than 16 million views in aggregate Original video generated less than 40 % of overall reach 40% derivative videos Placement increased campaign by 200%

16 16 New Media Cases: Looking Within Local Context – Local Stories N-Reports Backyard Boyz

17 17 New Media in Business Regardless of media, good business comes down to a simple process of : Identifying customers Learning what they want or need Feeling their challenge Learning how they communicate with one another, and Observing how they discover and share information Keeping their attention by keeping your brand top of mind – Attention Economics

18 Google Confidential and Proprietary 18 The Future of New Media

19 Current Statistics are staggering 1 new member joins LinkedIn every second 10 million people joined G+ in the first week If Facebook was a country it would be the 3 rd largest in the world The Ford Explorer launch on Facebook generated more traffic than the superbowl Social gamers will buy $6 billion in virtual goods by 2013. movie goers buy only $2.5 billion in real goods If Wikipedia were made into a book it would be 2.25 million pages long e-readers have surpassed book sales

20 Access

21 Google Confidential and Proprietary Cables have landed

22 Google Confidential and Proprietary 22 Increasing trend among Nigerian Customers

23 Google Confidential and Proprietary 23 Thank You!

24 - Pay Per Click Advertising Networks (Internet Advertising Model – Where Advertisers bid for keywords). For example, Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft Ad Center - Cost Per Click Ad Networks (Google Adsense) - In-Text Advertising - Cost Per Action CPA Ads. - Selling Products Online (E-commerce, Classifieds) - Direct Banner Advertising (Job boards, etc.) - RSS Feeds Ads - Premium Content - Organizing Conferences - Donations - Selling Ebooks, Templates - Audio Ads - Mentoring Programs

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