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Science Fair Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fair Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fair Project

2 Big Question My big question was, “Do plants grow better inside or outside?” I wanted to know this because I wanted to know the answer.

3 Hypothesis My hypothesis was that the plant outside would grow better than the plant inside. If they grow better outside why do people even put some inside?

4 Interesting Facts about plants
Plants make oxygen. Plants are producers. Plants can grow flowers and fruits. Plants use photosynthesis. Plants aren’t green.

5 Experiment Materials: Seeds, pots, water, lamp, soil.
Steps: 1. Get the pots. 2. Put soil until half full. 3. Put 5-8 seeds in each. 4. Finish putting soil in. 5. Put 1 inside and 1 outside. 6. Water every 1-3 days.

6 Observations 7 days: Nothing. 14 days: 3 sprouts in each.
21 days: 7 outside 5 inside. 28 days: 15 outside 8 inside. 35 days: 27 outside inside died.

7 Data The plant inside was killed because of no sunlight.
The plant outside survived because of sunlight for photosynthsis.

8 Analysis of Data Well as you can most likely tell the plant outside was better than the plant inside.

9 Conclusion To wrap this up, plants are proven to grow better outside than inside.

10 Resources
And some plants I saw outside and inside.

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