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 Warm Up- On Stress Test Sheets  Stress and Stress Management  Stress Test Activity  De-Stress Activity  Wrap Up/Reflections/Exit.

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Presentation on theme: " Warm Up- On Stress Test Sheets  Stress and Stress Management  Stress Test Activity  De-Stress Activity  Wrap Up/Reflections/Exit."— Presentation transcript:


2  Warm Up- On Stress Test Sheets  Stress and Stress Management  Stress Test Activity  De-Stress Activity  Wrap Up/Reflections/Exit

3  Describe your most STRESSFUL experience. Who was involved? How did you feel during this situation

4  The body’s response to the events in your life  Cause physical, emotional, and mental tension

5  Rise in blood pressure  Increased heart rate  Clammy hands  Stomach ache  Anxiety  Frustration

6  If stress in extreme and constant, it can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, or stomach ulcers

7  Learning to manage stress can control the negative impact it may have on your life  You can learn strategies to help you cope with the demands of life  Stress management can be used in various places

8  House of Cards Activity  Must contain 5 cards  Must be completed in the time allowed  It must remain standing for 10 seconds!

9  1) Remove the source of the stress  2) Remove yourself from the situation  3) Change your response to the stress  4) Manage the stress by focusing on one part at a time

10  Time for some YOGA!

11  How can this activity be used in your own family?  What are some examples of activities that you and your family can do to help cope with stressful situations?


13  Normative stressors  Crises Events



16  Normative stressor  Normal event that requires some response  ‘Not that big of a deal’ stress  Can be positive or negative  What are some examples

17  Crises stressors  Events that create major changes in your life and behavior  What are some examples?

18  You are in control of you!  A positive mental attitude will help you handle stress in a healthy way.  A negative attitude may lead to increased anger or anxiety.

19  Define the feelings you are having  Excited, worried, angry, afraid  Try to identify the event that caused your stressful feelings  why do you feel this way Identify what you can do to manage the stressful situation

20  1) Remove the source of the stress  2) Remove yourself from the situation  3) Change your response to the stress  4) Manage the stress by focusing on one part at a time

21  Crisis – extreme event that causes a change to the family

22  Devastating events that cause a loss  Stressful event that widely impact members  Sudden important events  Events requiring major adjustments

23  Sometimes many small stressors can build up to produce a crisis  Example: a bad test grade, fight with friend, argument with parent, and peer pressure can all add up.  All of the stressors combined can lead to a crisis for someone.

24  A family many times will become unbalanced in crisis situations  The family is not functioning smoothly and needs to readjust

25  When people experience a loss, they go through this process There are 5 steps

26  1-Denial-"this can't be happening to me“  2-Anger-"why me?“  3-Bargaining  4-Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness

27  5-Acceptance  Realization that the person is gone (in death) that it is not their fault, they didn't leave you on purpose. (even in cases of suicide, often the deceased person, was not in their right frame of mind)

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