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Grow With It Amy Chase Martin Change Examine a few characteristics of change and change management Identify changes to our community Examine a few philosophies.

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Presentation on theme: "Grow With It Amy Chase Martin Change Examine a few characteristics of change and change management Identify changes to our community Examine a few philosophies."— Presentation transcript:


2 Grow With It Amy Chase Martin

3 Change Examine a few characteristics of change and change management Identify changes to our community Examine a few philosophies of managing change Activities related to change

4 Individually, consider a change in which YOU have participated, whether it went well or not. Jot down some characteristics of how that change was determined to be needed, communicated, enacted and how the process of making the change affected you.

5 Image:

6 What to expect from change Sense of loss, confusion, anxiety. Mistrust and self-protective focus. Fear of letting go of that which led to success in the past. People hold onto & value the past and what is familiar. High uncertainty, low stability, high emotional stress Perceived high levels of inconsistency. High energy — often undirected. Control becomes a major issue as does learned helplessness. Conflict increases — especially between groups.

7 Cause of Change Failure Gap Resistance Impact Underlying these reasons, are a number of related factors: Emphasis placed on the wrong things Human aspects of change not addressed Poor communication Muddy marketing Failure to address the energy and emotions associated with change (John Kotter).

8 What is change? (and why do many fear it) It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transition. –William Bridges

9 Why do organizations/people need to change? Adapt to environmental changes SET building = no parking = new telework policy Respond to mandates SB740 = change Gen Eds/# credit hours Technology changes Ongoing updates/versions/systems/software The Portal Why does HCC need to change?

10 Characterizing Change Exciting SCARY disruptive inevitable DAMAGING disorie nting refreshing paralyzing energizing empowering threatening

11 Change can be gradual and difficult to discern. …or very abrupt.

12 Prerequisites for Change V ision: Develop, articulate and communicate a shared vision of the desired change N eed: A compelling need has been developed and is shared M eans: The practical means to achieve vision: planned, developed and implemented R ewards: Aligned to encourage appropriate behavior compatible with vision and change F eedback: Given Frequently

13 Cause of Change Failure Gap Resistance Impact Underlying these reasons, are a number of related factors: Emphasis placed on the wrong things Human aspects of change not addressed Poor communication Muddy marketing Failure to address the energy and emotions associated with change (John Kotter).

14 Roles: The Change Players Sponsors : Senior management leaders - the driving force of change - must walk the walk. Advocates : Allies of leaders, deploy the vision - communicate - involve - sell - MOTIVATE Agents: Influence sponsors’ commitment, target resistance, measure readiness, assess existing people/structures Targets : Everyone in organization - develop, train, reinforce, support WHICH ONE ARE YOU?

15 So let’s try an experiment….. 2 groups – A and B


17 Strategies to Enact a Change Know WHY you are making the change Timing is EVERYTHING! Anticipate pressure points before announcing change Elevator Speech Simplicity Expect Resistance. When possible, make change incremental but DECISIVE!

18 What the professionals say…

19 REMEMBER: Individual prerequisites for change to occur Thinking & understanding Emotional/ Motivational Behavioral Head Heart Hands Why should I change? What’s in it for me? What do I do differently?

20 1. Identify (roughly) the stage person/group is in. 2. Determine obstacles/arenas: a. Head b. Heart c. Hands d. All of the above 3. Use tools to move through obstacles. May need several simultaneously. 4. Recognize and acknowledge steps forward. 5. Cycle back to Step 1. Leading Others through Change

21 What Effective Change Leaders Do E mbrace change when it’s needed D evelop a vision for change C ommunicate effectively S hake things up by challenging status quo and encouraging others to do the same S tay A ctively Involved by walking the walk and being visible about it. D irect, R eview I mplementation of change - continued participation - never done attitude. Be in position to notice and coach.

22 Transition:  Is the psychological process people go through to come to terms with new situation.  Is required in order for change to work.  Occurs between the ‘letting go’ of the old way and embracing of the new. How to get them to let go – to end what used to be.  Identify who is losing what, who will have to let go of what.  Old peer groups  Old patterns  Feeling of competence  Chances for promotion, career expectations  Loss is subjective and personal – it is loss not change people react to.  Expect signs of grieving: Bargaining, Anxiety, Sadness, Disorientation, Depression  Communicate repeatedly, constantly  Deal with the past. Mark the endings. Treat the past with respect. Bridges’ Theory of Managing Transitions Managing Transitions – Making the Most of Change by William Bridges

23 Kotter’s Theory of Managing Change 1.Establish sense of urgency by combating complacency 2.Create guiding coalition “The combination of trust and common goal shared by people with the right characteristics can make a powerful team.” (p65) 3.Develop vision and strategy 4.Communicate the change vision early, often and in plain speak 5.Move beyond planning to action: empower employees to pursuit the vision by aligning systems and removing obstacles 6.Generate Short-Term Wins 7.Consolidate gains and produce more change – not less 8.Anchor new approaches in culture – the new “way we do things around here” Managing Change by John Kotter

24 What about Resistance? “The only way to deal with resistors is to make sure the new way of doing things is more convenient than the old way” (Johnson, 2008) Image -

25 Recognize the Change Curve

26 Summary People can’t (or don’t want to) change when they don’t understand. What, why, how, WIIFM. You must acknowledge that all change – even positive change can represent a loss to someone – including yourself! Change must include daily recognition of both progress and setbacks. Resistance is part of the change process. Acknowledge it and recognize contributors to it. Address change at all levels to be successful. Sustainable change occurs in steps. Sometimes two forward and one backwards….. Addl Credits: Gault – Change Management in Higher Education


28 Thank you!!!!

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