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Sustainable waste management by an integrated solid waste treatment plant in Friesland, the Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable waste management by an integrated solid waste treatment plant in Friesland, the Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable waste management by an integrated solid waste treatment plant in Friesland, the Netherlands

2 CONTENTS Background information: Omrin (Afvalsturing Friesland) Overview data SBI Process schemes Aerial overview SBI-plant Operational overview: Mass balances Optimisation of the operation Evaluation costs Environmental evaluation Conclusions

3 SOMETHING ABOUT OMRIN Regional waste management company in the north of the Netherlands. A limited company with 31 municipalities as shareholders. Processes more than 450,000 tonnes per year, has a turnover of € 100 million and more than 500 employees. “WASTE IS QUITE SOMETHING”  Transforming all waste to re-usable materials.  High environmental standards in public spaces.  Transparent and customer-friendly.  Market-conformable tariffs.

4 ORGANISATION BUSINESS GROUP Collection & Cleansing (FM) Activities: Waste collection Collection of waste fractions Street cleansing Road gritting Sewer management (cleansing) Pest and vermin control Second-hand shops BUSINESS GROUP Logistics (AF) Activities: Waste transfer (Bulk) transportation Vehicle maintenance Eco-centres BUSINESS GROUP Recycling & Raw Materials (AF) Activities: Separation and processing of domestic and industrial waste Processing of demolition and building waste, soil, dredging sludge and road sweepings Immobilisation Sorting of electrical appliances Final disposal of domestic and industrial waste Energy production Marketing of waste fractions BUSINESS GROUP Building & Demolition (JOGB) Activities: Building and demolition activities Recycling and useful application of building and demolition waste Transportation and maintenance Sale and purchase of gritty material CommunicationsPolicy & Legal Matters Finance, Planning & ControlProjects department Human ResourcesQualityMatters ICTSecretariat Office Services Staff Management Omrin Consultancy (joint-venture)

5 OMRIN CONSULTANCY A company in formation. Co-operation between Omrin and two specialised contractors. Waste management chain from collection, transfer, transport, processing and final disposal. Feasibility studies, design, construction and implementation (commissioning and training).

6 OVERVIEW SBI “SBI”=Scheidings- en Bewerkings Installatie (separation & processing plant) Capacity:220,000 tonnes per year household and commercial waste Personnel:35 employees Main parts:- Separation unit - Washing unit - Digestion unit

7 AERIAL OVERVIEW SBI 1 = waste storage 2 = separation unit 3 = washing unit 4 = digestion unit 5 = power plant 1 2 3 4 5

8 FLOWCHARTS SBI 1 = drumsieve 180 mm 2 = drumsieve 55 mm 3 = air clarifier 4 = magnetic separator 5 = eddy current separator Paper/ plastic 1 2 Scrap iron 3434 Paper/ plastic Scrap iron Scrap iron Non-ferrous metals RDF OFMSW 45 Separation unit 1 = mixing tanks 2 = reactors 3 = generator 4 = belt press 1 2 Organic & sludge Biogas Digestion unit 4 3 Heat recovery Electricity Digestate Effluent 1 = inert separator 2 = drumsieve 3 = shredder 4 = hydrocyclone 5 = sludge centrifuge 12 OFMSW Sludge to digestion Washing unit 4 5 3 InertsSand Organic to digestion

9 MASS BALANCE 220,000 tonnes 100% Paper/ plastics 16% Ferro/ non-ferro 3% RDF 40% (OFMSW) (41%) Inert 6% Water suspension 20750 (9,4%) Sand 5% Residue 3% (Organic) (36%) Biogas 6% Effluent 14% Digestate 16% Separation unitWashing unitDigestion unit

10 OPTIMISATION OF THE TREATMENT PROCESS Separation unit Increasing availability from 60 to 80% Washing unit Improving removal of interfering materials Increasing operating time Improving quality coarse organic material Digestion unit Making the tanks accessible



13 EVALUATION COSTS Breakdown of investment costs Integral cost price in relation to secondary fuel


15 CONCLUSIONS The SBI as integral concept, after optimisation, is a robust solution for waste treatment. It is competitive to incineration as far as investment (± € 170 tonne/capacity) and environmental impact are concerned. The SBI leads to ”zero final disposal”. With increasing (worldwide) energy costs, the cost of waste processing will decrease simultaneously.

16 “Waste is quite something”

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