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Architectural Structure for Websites (Part 1 of 2) Kaplan University CM270 ~ Writing for Multimedia Mark Lambertson, Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "Architectural Structure for Websites (Part 1 of 2) Kaplan University CM270 ~ Writing for Multimedia Mark Lambertson, Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architectural Structure for Websites (Part 1 of 2) Kaplan University CM270 ~ Writing for Multimedia Mark Lambertson, Instructor

2 Writing samples Audio from radio commercials Throw in a couple stories Graphic design samples Need some way for potential clients to contact me Brief bio about me Videos would be nice Link to Linkedin Art & Creative Direction

3 Writing samples Throw in a couple stories Audio from radio commercials Graphic design samples Need some way for potential clients to contact me Brief bio about me Videos would be nice Link to Linkedin Art & Creative Direction

4 Graphic design samples Videos would be nice Art & Creative Direction Writing samples Audio from radio commercials Throw in a couple stories Need some way for potential clients to contact me Brief bio about me Link to Linkedin

5 Writing samples Audio from radio commercials Throw in a couple stories Graphic design samples Need some way for potential clients to contact me Brief bio about me Videos would be nice Link to Linkedin Art & Creative Direction

6 WORDS: Writing samples Audio (radio commercials) Stories PICTURES: Graphic design samples Art & Creative direction (mostly photos) Videos ABOUT ME: Brief bio Linkedin link Contact request form

7 Two written pages: one down, one to go During this course you will write just two pages for your site. You did the first page in Unit 3: the “about us” (or “informative”) web page. You’ll do the next one in Unit 6. The Unit 6 web page and the Unit 3 web page are two different pages.

8 Unit 6’s Web Page The Unit 6 web page is the “persuasive” page. You’ll learn more about it in a couple weeks. For now, just know that you have to identify one page that has a persuasive purpose. But that page won’t be called the “persuasive” page.

9 Unit 6’s Web Page It won’t be called the “persuasive” page because no website visitor will want to read a page called a “persuasive” page.

10 WORDS: Writing samples Audio (radio commercials) Stories PICTURES: Graphic design samples Art & Creative direction (mostly photos) Videos ABOUT ME: Brief bio Linkedin link Contact request form

11 Homepage 1.Words 2.Pictures 3.About Mark (bio & contact info) a)Video(s) a)Request form b)Linkedin (off-site link)

12 hierarchy ’hī(ə)r-ärkē noun ( plural: hierarchies) a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

13 Homepage 1.Words 2.Pictures 3.About Mark (bio & a)Video(s) a)Request form b)Linkedin (off-site link)

14 tier ti(ə)r noun ( plural: tiers) a row or level of a structure, typically one of a series of rows placed one above the other and successively receding or diminishing in size: a tier of seats a level or grade within the hierarchy of an organization or system: companies have taken out a tier of management to save money.

15 Homepage 1.Words 2.Pictures 3.About Mark a)Video(s) a)Request form b)Linkedin (off-site link)

16 The homepage (or “home page”) is also known as: the “start page” the “front page” the “landing page”

17 Homepage 1.Words 2.Pictures 3.About Mark a)Video(s) a)Request form b)Linkedin (off-site link)

18 Homepage 1.Words 2.Pictures 3.About Mark a)Video(s) a)Request form b)Linkedin (off-site link)

19 Homepage 1.Words 2.Pictures 3.About Mark a)Video(s) a)Request form b)Linkedin (off-site link) (persuasive web copy)

20 copy ’käpē 1. a thing made to be similar or identical to another, a duplicate 2. a single specimen of a particular book, record, or other publication or issue: the record has sold more than a million copies. 3. text (or prose) to be printed: copy for the next issue must be submitted by the beginning of the month. text for a newspaper or magazine article: it is an unfortunate truth of today's media that bad news makes good copy. the text of an advertisement: “No more stubble—no more trouble,” trumpeted their ad copy.

21 Unit Four’s Discussion Your Unit 4 discussion will present a draft of your site’s architecture. I strongly suggest that you use a hierarchical structure. 99.9% of all sites use this type because it is simple and logical. It also allows for easy navigation for the user.

22 Unit Four’s Discussion Your site’s architecture must be original. Imitate the approach I took as I created my site, but do not copy my site’s architecture. My site’s architecture is very simple. Yours might be more complicated. That’s probably okay too. Simple is best.


24 ©2010 Mark W. Lambertson all rights reserved.

25 Images and text appearing on are wholly owned by their respective copyright holders and used with permission.

26 to be continued

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