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M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 The JRC at the Service of the European Citizen Institute for Energy (IE) Petten, The Netherlands

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1 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 The JRC at the Service of the European Citizen Institute for Energy (IE) Petten, The Netherlands http:// http://

2 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 European Commission (25 Commission members) Panorama of the European Union European Court of Auditors European Parliament The Council of the European Union The Committee of the Regions Court of Justice Economic and Social Committee SG. RELEX ENTR ENV SANCO JRC … IES... IE IPSCIPTS... RTD IRMM ITU IHCP

3 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Why JRC? More than 25% of all EU legislation has a significant S&T basis (e.g. food, chemicals, environment, energy) advanced analytical requirements, e.g. related to nuclear safety harmonisation - best practice – validation; training. As a service of the European Commission, the JRC provides in-house scientific and technical support to Community policy making In the last 2 years, the JRC has been involved in over 70 pieces of EU legislation

4 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies The JRC functions as a centre of science and technology (S&T) reference for the EU independent of commercial and national interests... JRC Mission Statement

5 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 The structure of the JRC IE - Petten The Netherlands Institute for Energy IRMM - Geel Belgium Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements ITU - Karlsruhe Germany Institute for Transuranium elements IPSC - IHCP - IES - Ispra Italy Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Institute for Environment and Sustainability IPTS - Seville Spain Institute for Prospective Technological Studies DG, S cientific S trategy & R esource D irectorates 7 Institutes in 5 Member States: total staff 2200

6 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Sustainable Competitive Secure Future Energy System Commission Green Paper COM(2006)105

7 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Energy at the JRC to provide scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of community policies related to energy.  performance assessment of energy technologies: efficiency, safety, reliability, environmental compliance  new energy carriers: Hydrogen  solar test installation for photovoltaic devices  characterisation of vehicle emissions  security aspects of energy infrastructures  techno- and socio-economic aspects in energy production, conversion and use to become EC S&T reference for safer and cleaner energy technologies

8 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Nuclear safety Making both existing and new designs of nuclear power plants in enlarged EU & CIS even safer Cleaner Energies Supporting the transition towards a de-carbonised, hydrogen economy High Flux Reactor Medical Applications Nuclear Safety IE Activities Energy Information Platform evaluation, validation, forecasting, dissemination

9 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Provide S&T support to EU policies on safer and cleaner energy technologies for sustainable development through acting as the EC in- house reference point on selected energy technology issues Clean Energies Unit Mission validating, harmonising and analysing data and information on sustainable energy technologies validating, harmonising and standardising measurement and test methods and procedures (forerunners to codes & standards) assessing, validating and benchmarking performance, efficiency, reliability, safety and environmental compliance of selected safer and cleaner energy technologies S&T competence, state-of-the-art facilities, competitive work active communication of rationale and policy-impact of the work programme and dissemination of its output

10 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Experimental Activities no development of new technologies, but 1)“enabling” activities in areas of: process issues related to alternative fuels and hydrogen from biomass characterisation and performance assessment of fuel cells, stacks and systems hydrogen storage technologies hydrogen sensors 2)techno-economic assessment of energy technology issues through own research and networking with EU stakeholders

11 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Energy Recovery and Alternative Fuels from Waste and Biomass Internally circulating fluidized bed facility for gasification Water Fluidized bed reactor Extraction Hood Exhausts (15 Nm 3 /h) Ash Burner Syngas (10 Nm 3 /h) Exhausts (60 Nm 3 /h) Air heater Furnace Steam generator Steam Fuel hopper Fuel (5 kg/h) Water softener

12 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Validation and Verification of Fuel Cell technologies Environmental and vibration testing of FC systems and their performance CFD modelling of FC performance & modelling validation

13 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 GasTeF Safety bunker for stationary & cyclic testing facility up to 800 bar GasTeF Safety bunker for stationary & cyclic testing facility up to 800 bar High Pressure H 2 Storage SolTeF Laboratory for storage capacity characterisation SolTeF Laboratory for storage capacity characterisation Solid-state H 2 Storage SenTeF Laboratory for sensor testing SenTeF Laboratory for sensor testing On-board safety sensors 2D and 3D CFD codes dispersion modelling 2D and 3D CFD codes dispersion modelling Modeling H 2 release H2 Storage, Distribution and Safety Activities

14 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 pressure testing of hydrogen and natural gas tanks, mainly for vehicle applications permeation measurements and load-cycling at controlled temperature development of test procedures for performance testing support to pre-normative research & standardization development & validation of risk assessment methodologies (3a) High Pressure Storage bunker for high pressure facilities

15 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Application of expertise and tools developed and used in nuclear safety Hydrogen Safety / Risk

16 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Hydrogen Explosion / Distribution H 2 release from a bus tank in a tunnel - pressure distribution on an iso surface of 350 K Explosion accident in a refueling station Flow path in streets with South-West winds

17 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 The challenge: sensors that can sense leaks within the target timeframe at the desired detection level, assess the hazard, trigger an alarm or activate a protective device Type of sensors: electrochemical, semi-conductor, catalytic pellistor, thermal conductivity and field effect transistor. Objective: to establish unified testing procedures for H2- safety sensor performance (lifetime, sensitivity, accuracy, reaction time..) under real service life conditions (3b) On-board vehicle hydrogen safety sensors

18 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 (3c) Solid-State Storage Objective: to reduce uncertainties in hydrogen sorption measurement techniques for reliable assessment of potential and of fitness for purpose laboratory investigations using different characterisation techniques/instruments covering different temperature and pressure regimes repeatable and reproducible results on well-characterised materials ‘round robin’ exercises unified testing procedures

19 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 Sustainable Energy Technologies Reference & Information Other activities Inter-service group on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Secretariat of the European H2 & Fuel Cell Technology Platform Drafting of strategic documents, implementation plan Move towards Joint Technology Initiative Harmonisation with other European Technolofy Platforms (ZEP, Dynamis project) ExCo of IEA Hydrogen Implementation Agreement Implementation and Liaison Committee of International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy Objectives: in collaboration between JRC institutes to collect, harmonise and validate information on energy technologies to perform related techno-economic assessments to establish, in collaboration with all relevant national partners, the S&T reference required for the debate on a Sustainable Energy strategy in an enlarged EU & in the context of global sustainable development

20 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 International Energy Agency ExCo H 2 Implementing Agreement HIA Task 17 Solid and Liquid State Hydrogen Storage Materials HIA Task 22 HIA Task 18 Assessment of Integrated Systems HIA Task 19 Hydrogen Safety ExCo FC Implementing Agreement Bioenergy Task 36 Integrated Waste Management Bioenergy Task 37 Biogas CEN/CENELEC CEN/TC 343 (Solid Recovered Fuels) CEN/BT/WG/ 149 “Liquid and Gaseous Alternative Fuels” CEN/CENELEC mandate Others: IEC-TC 105, IOS-TC 197, US Fuel Cell Council, …

21 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 IPHE efforts Commenting scoping papers H2 storage, fuel cells, socio- economics Lead scoping paper Regulations, Codes and Standards Co-chair of RCS WG (H2 safety explicitly included) Co-organisation with DG RTD and US-DoE of international workshops Hydrogen Storage (Lucca 2005) Hydrogen from Renewables (Seville 2005) Hydrogen Safety (Pisa 2005) identifying IEA links Forthcoming workshops IPHE-IEA hydrogen storage (2006) ICHS-2 (San Sebastian, 2007) Participation to IPHE-projects (NessHy, Hy-Approval, HyWays-IPHE, FCTESQA, …)

22 M. Steen – IEA HIA ExCo – Nov.2006 1.Exploiting unique combination of expertise and facilities Calibration and Certification of Photovoltaic Solar Electricity, … performance assessment: H2 storage and fuel cell technologies, … energy from waste, biomass (incl. energy crops) Robust science for policy making 2.Networking with stakeholders within the European Energy Research Area 3.Interfacing/interacting with international activities 4.Training, education, dissemination

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