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Colonial Interactions U.S. HISTORY SEPTEMBER 17 / 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Interactions U.S. HISTORY SEPTEMBER 17 / 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Interactions U.S. HISTORY SEPTEMBER 17 / 18, 2014

2 Colonial Interactions  Objective: Students will analyze the 3 Colonial regions and become experts by synthesizing information, teaching students, and creating a poster.  Purpose: To study the colonial regions so that you can better understand the social atmosphere and development of community prior to the American War for Independence.  Standard: 1.2 - Students will compare lifestyles in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies according to race, class, and gender by utilizing one of the big 11 social studies skills.  Historical Thinking Skill: Evaluation & Synthesis

3 Warm-up: CNN Student News Time Limit: 10 Minutes  Write down facts as you watch the video.  1 point = 1 correctly written fact.  I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts.  Example:  The Sky = This is NOT a fact.  The Sky is Blue = This IS a fact.

4 Lecture Notes Time Limit: 10 minutes  Reasons for Migrating.  Religious Intolerance.  Land.  Colonial Interactions.  Staple Crops.  Mercantilism.  Triangular Trade.  England  West Indies  Caribbean  NE  West Africa  Caribbean.  Indentured Servitude.  People who agree to work for someone else to get passage to the new world, a plot of land, some money, and support to start a small business.

5 Assignment: Colonial Regions Jigsaw [Cont.] Time Limit: 30 minutes  Continue working on your Colonial Regions Jigsaw.  Finalize your questions and share with your group members.  #10: Interesting Facts about your Colonial Region.  #11: Write a 2-4 sentence summary of your group member’s Colonial Region.  #5: The geography of the New England Colonies featured long and heavy cold winters, warm/hot summers, and rolling hills and cliffs.  #5: The geography of the Middle Colonies was often heavily forested, had rich soil, and there were many broad navigable rivers.  #5: The geography of the Southern Colonies is often flat, rural, humid, with the Appalachian Mountains to the west.

6 Assessment: Colonial Advertisement Time Limit: 45 Minutes  Using what you know, create a colonial advertisement.  Create a poster to attract new people and new colonists to your specific colonial region (i.e. New England, Middle, or Southern).  Design and color your picture with the details from the Jigsaw Activity.  You may work alone OR with a partner.  Be prepared to teach your group members about your Colonial Region based on the information from the Jigsaw and the Advertisement.  #11: Write a 2-4 sentence summary of your group member’s Colonial Region.

7 Colonial Advertisement Examples:


9 Closure: Exit Slip Time Limit: 5 Minutes  After Today’s Lesson, I Knew How To Identify 3 Aspects Of My Colonial Region:  1.  2.  3.

10 Homework:  1. U.S. History Acknowledgement of Course Expectations.  Final Due Date – September 25 / 26, 2014.  2. Colonial Advertisement Poster.

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