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Governing Board Meeting Monday 16 February 2008 OECD Development Centre 16 February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Governing Board Meeting Monday 16 February 2008 OECD Development Centre 16 February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governing Board Meeting Monday 16 February 2008 OECD Development Centre 16 February 2008

2 OECD Development Centre GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 1 Adoption of the Agenda 4 Strategic Issues Approval of the Draft Summary of the 15 December Meeting 2 3 Briefing by the Chair and Report by Director 2

3 OECD Development Centre GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 1 Adoption of the Agenda 4 Strategic Issues Approval of the Draft Summary of the 15 December Meeting 2 3 Briefing by the Chair and Report by Director 3

4 OECD Development Centre GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 1 Adoption of the Agenda 4 Strategic Issues Approval of the Draft Summary of the 15 December Meeting 2 3 Briefing by the Chair and Report by Director 4

5 OECD Development Centre GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 1 Adoption of the Agenda 4 Strategic Issues Approval of the Draft Summary of the 15 December Meeting 2 3 Briefing by the Chair and Report by Director 5

6 OECD Development Centre Policy Impact: December & January EmNetGlobal Economic Prospects in 2009 Audience of over 70, including the CEOs of a range of multinationals. OECD participants included the Secretary-General, Andrew Dean (ECO) and Neil Hirst (IEA). Paris 5 December Latin America and the Caribbean International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean Over 800 participants including the Ministers of Finance of Chile and Guatemala and the Central Bank Governors of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and France as well as the Heads of the IADB and the Andean Development Bank. Paris 26 January Presentations of the OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Brussels, Davos, Dubai & Jerusalem January & February GDOGlobal Development Networks 10 th Annual GD Conference. Topic: The Wealth of Nations, Revenue & Fiscal Management of Natural Resources. Helmut Reisen a discussant. Kuwait 5 February MigrationInternational Conference on Migration and Human Trafficking, organised by Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Jeff Dayton-Johnson participated London 3 February DirectorDavos 2009 Meetings with a range of senior political figures including the Presidents of Colombia and Mexico, the Prime Minister of Korea, Minister of Finance of South Africa and Egypts Minister of Communications and Information Technology Davos 28 January – 1 February 6

7 OECD Development Centre Forthcoming events Latin America and the Caribbean Presentation of Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 with the Institute for Latin American Studies (CASS) Beijing, 2 March Presentation of Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 at the IIF Asia Regional Conference Singapore, 4 March Presentation of Latin American Economic Outlook 2009Bogotá, 4 March Presentation of Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 at the CESifo International Spring Conference 2009 Berlin 19 March Presentation Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 at the Organisation of American States and US Congress Washington, DC 24 March Presentation Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 at the World Economic Forum on Latin America Rio de Janeiro Brazil GenderInternational Women's Day at the Development Centre: Presentation of the GID 2009 and Wikigender 2.0 Paris, 8 March Poverty Reduction & Social Policy Launch of new report Is Informal Normal? Towards More and Better Jobs in Developing Countries (with OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs) Paris, 8 April 7

8 OECD Development Centre Financing The Implementation of the PWB, 2009

9 OECD Development Centre Output Results Funding to Date

10 OECD Development Centre GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 1 Adoption of the Agenda 4 Strategic Issues Approval of the Draft Summary of the 31 October Meeting 2 3 Briefing by the Chair and Report by Director 10



13 OECD Development Centre c) FULFILLMENT OF THE BUREAUS OBJECTIVES : 4c STRATEGIC ISSUES Support the efficient and effective conduct of Board meetings. Share the burden of informal consultations among the Boards membership. Facilitate the Boards monitoring of the implementation of the Centres Programme of Work and its policy impact.

14 OECD Development Centre GOVERNING BOARD MEETING 5 Future Governing Board Meetings Monday 30 March (pm) Wednesday 13 May (pm) ** new date ** Schedule for next Governing Board meetings 14 back-to-back with seminar featuring former Chilean president.

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