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Learning by Moving By Marcel Ekkel Vicky Lo Walter Chan Mrinalini Rubin Quentin So.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning by Moving By Marcel Ekkel Vicky Lo Walter Chan Mrinalini Rubin Quentin So."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning by Moving By Marcel Ekkel Vicky Lo Walter Chan Mrinalini Rubin Quentin So

2 Observation Today Children take lot of classes in the evening and don’t have time for outdoor physical activities In limited time, they play video games or other mobile games indoors Parents lack of understanding on how to keep their kids busy indoors and outdoors Busy lifestyle, parents don’t have time

3 Personas  Personal Information  Name: Susan  Age: 35 years old  Location: Pacifica  Quote  It is important to have balance of academic and physical activity.  Back Story  I am a financial consultant and have a busy working life most of the time. I’m at home late at night. So I’m really cherish the weekend time and a short moment at night with kids, though it’s hard to have a balance life.

4 Learning by Moving  Here’s how~

5 Pre Service Period  Advertisement  Website, Brochure  Social Media  Facebook, Twitter, Parenting Forums

6 Personas  Motivation  Concern: Mainly time and safety issue as I don’t have too much time while I would spend time with family on weekend. I would like to ensure the kids are safe and that’s the reason I didn’t take kids to the outdoors so often. But if there is any chance to do so, I would participate with our kids.  Frustrations  Not enough time.(parents)  Play video game (kid)  Ideal Experience  Place: Located not far from town  Safe  Physical Activities  Learn kind of academic knowledge => first hand knowledge

7 Service  Learn by Moving!  It provides the playground based, learning activity combined with physical activity for children  Primary Student (focuing on 9-12 years) The original idea is by We want to adopt for Hong Kong

8 Service Period

9 Post Service Period  Customer Relationship Management  Newsletter to inform customes about other outdoor activity excursion send photos, feedback form.  Social Media  Open FB group and allow sharing.  Word-of-Mouth  Learning by playing, getting physical exercise, allowing other parents to have a look.

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