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Commonly Misspelled Words Commonly Misspelled Words (cont’d) Proofreading Marks Punctuations Bad Word List Tips and Tricks References/Bibliography.

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2 Commonly Misspelled Words Commonly Misspelled Words (cont’d) Proofreading Marks Punctuations Bad Word List Tips and Tricks References/Bibliography

3 a lot Two words! Believe i before e except after c Changeable The verb "change" keeps its [e] here to indicate that the [g] is soft, not hard. Column Silent [n] here after the m Definitely sounds exactly like spelled except for the e between t and l Height this word is pretty hard because it is an exception to the i before e rule and it has a silent [gh]. its/it's The apostrophe marks a contraction of "it is." Something that belongs to it is "its." License here you get two letters with the same sounds which makes it pretty confusing just try to remember that c comes before s in the alphabet

4 Mischievous [i] before [e] and [o] before [u]. Neighbor it avoids the i-before-e rule and the silent "gh". Schedule remember the [sk] is spelled as in "school." Their/They're/There They're all pronounced the same but spelled differently. Possessive is "their" and the contraction of "they are" is "they're." Everywhere else, it is "there." Twelfth There is an [f] that many people do not pronounce Vacuum Anyway, spell this word with two [u]s and not like "volume."

5 Delete Add mark Capitalize Spelling error

6 ( ; )In addition to using a semicolon to join related independent clauses in compound sentences, you can use a semicolon to separate items in a series with more than 5 items. ( “ ” )Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotations Use a comma(,) to separate two independent clauses or to separate items in a list Use a period(.) to end declarative or imperative sentences Use a question mark(?) to end interrogative sentences (questions) Use an exclamation point(!) to end exclamatory sentences such as (It’s going to blow!)

7 A little bit All Always Big Very Thing Too Little At least These are words you should not use.

8 The writing should demonstrate good control of grammar and usage so that the message is clear. The spelling should be correct (Use a dictionary if possible)! The capitalization and punctuation should be correct and should make the message clear. The paragraphing should support the organization of the paper.

9 (2006). Wikipedia. from http://wikipedia.org "Proofreaders' Marks." 2004. OWL at Purdue University and Purdue University. 21 Nov. 2006 "Commonly Misspelled Words in English." 21 Nov. 2006 words.htm words.htm Spandel, Vicki, and Jeff Hicks. Write Traits Student Handbook. Great Source 2002 Disclaimer: Material in this presentation has been compiled by the teacher and students for instructional use only. Material in this presentation has originated from various education sources including, but not limited to great source and staff development resources. Effort has been made to true ownerships of all material and ensure that credit be given to the original author whenever possible. In the event that this material is in question, corrections can and will be completed.

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