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Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Topic: Superstitions Topic: Superstitions Reading: Good luck, bad luck. Grammar: Conditionals Listening : The sixth sense.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Topic: Superstitions Topic: Superstitions Reading: Good luck, bad luck. Grammar: Conditionals Listening : The sixth sense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Topic: Superstitions Topic: Superstitions Reading: Good luck, bad luck. Grammar: Conditionals Listening : The sixth sense

2 Good luck or bad luck ?????

3 To spill salt is…

4 To open an umbrella in the house is…

5 A black cat crossing your path will bring…….. A black cat crossing your path will bring……..

6 The number 13 is… 13

7 To meet or pass someone on the stairs is…

8 A horseshoe over the door of a new house brings…

9 To take a last piece of bread on the plate is…

10 A clover with 4 leaves brings…

11 To put new shoes on the table is…

12 To break a mirror is…

13 Friday the 13th brings …

14 A “White wedding”

15 Christmas

16 If a baby is born on Christmas Day it will bring…

17 If you wear new shoes on Christmas it will bring you…

18 If you wash your hair on New Year’s Day, you will wash away- If you wash your hair on New Year’s Day, you will wash away-

19 Mischievous enjoying playing tricks and annoying people Oзорной

20 Medieval connected with the Middle Ages Cредневековый

21 Disguise to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you Mаскировка

22 Omen a sign of what is going to happen in the future Предзнаменование, знак

23 Veil a covering of very thin transparent material worn, especially by women, to protect or hide the face Вуаль, завеса

24 Threshold the level at which smth starts to happen Преддверие, начало

25 Newlyweds persons who have recently got married Новобрачные

26 Envious wanting to be in the same situation as smb else Завистливый

27 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Topic: Superstitions Topic: Superstitions Reading: Good luck, bad luck. Grammar: Conditionals Listening : The sixth sense

28 Conditionals If clause Main clause

29 Zero conditional If clause Main clause If+ Present Present Если я не могу уснуть, я пью чашку горячего молока. If I can’t sleep, I drink a cup of hot milk.

30 First conditional If clause Main clause If+ Present will+ Infinitive Если у меня будет много денег, я куплю самолет. If I have a lot of money, I will buy a plane.

31 Second conditional If clause Main clause If + past would + Infinitive Если бы я увидел привидение, я бы убежал. If I saw a ghost, I would run away.

32 Third conditional If clause Main clause If + past perfect would have + past participle Я бы отправила тебе письмо из Мексики, если бы у меня был твой адрес. I would have sent you a letter from Mexico, if I had had your address.

33 Homework Practice Book p. 87 № 1, 2, 4 Student’s Book p. 136 № 1,2

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