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And miles to go….! Dr.S.G. Bhogle Former Prof.& Head WALMI, Aurangabad.

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Presentation on theme: "And miles to go….! Dr.S.G. Bhogle Former Prof.& Head WALMI, Aurangabad."— Presentation transcript:

1 And miles to go….! Dr.S.G. Bhogle Former Prof.& Head WALMI, Aurangabad.

2 Woods are lovely dark & deep but we have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep! - Robert Frost

3 People’s need, people’s involvement, people’s co-operation & people’s contribution (cash or kind) four key parameters for the success of PIM.

4 National Water Policies & PIM PIM through WUAs is basically a paradigm shift and involves tremendous change in social and organizational aspects A slow process

5 Present Model of PIM : The general pattern of the PIM model has the following salient features : Water Users Association (WUAs) will be established for irrigation / canal water management and shall be formal legal entities (body corporate) under some Act. The size of such WUAs: small, manageable but should be such that WUAs become economically viable. The Panchayati Raj Institutions (local self government) shall be responsible for domestic water use & management as well as for irrigation water management of projects of small size i.e. up to 250 ha. of culturable command area. Contd..

6 WUAs will have the main functions, viz. i) water management in its jurisdiction, ii) repairs and maintenance of distribution network, iii) recovery of water charges from the farmers and payment to Government Department and iv) Conflict Resolution at local level itself. Thus the thrust is on improving water use efficiency and also increase the productivity. WUAs will be empowered adequately so that they can function effectively. WUAs will be managed by office bearers (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary) and directors who will be elected by the farmers and will be responsible to them. Contd..

7 Office bearers of WUAs will be elected by the farmers through democratic process with due representation to weaker sections, women. WUAs will function as ‘Interface’ between farmers and Water Resources Department (WRD). The water charges will be comparatively less to WUAs and WUAs can charge slightly higher charges (as service charges) to the individual farmers. This will be the main source of income of WUAs. In due course of time, upper tier WUAs at distributory level, canal level, project level will be formed. Initially, the minor level i.e. WUAs at lowest tier will be strengthened. Contd..

8 In some states water is given to WUAs duly measured on volumetric basis (in units of 1000 m3) and charged accordingly. The WUAs, in turn, will give water to individual farmers on crop area basis. In such cases, there is a freedom of cropping pattern subject to the water quota sanctioned to the WUA. Need based training for capacity building is given to office bearers of WUAs, farmers, women farmers, NGOs as well as to the officers / employees of WRD, Agriculture Department, etc.

9 Benefits of PIM through WUAs Quality of water supply to farmers is increased i.e. assured, timely and adequate water supply which is a prime requirement for improving the water use efficiency. Collective activities like maintenance of field channels (water courses), adoption of improved water management techniques, etc. are organized by some WUAs. Increase in agriculture production. Increase in income of farmers. Increase in water use efficiency, especially field application efficiency is improved. Contd..

10 Increase in conjunctive use of canal and well water. Number of wells in the command area of irrigation projects has increased. Increase in the practice of night irrigation by the farmers. Change in cropping pattern i.e. increase / inclusion of cash crops. Tail enders problems getting resolved slowly. Water use entitlements to WUAs.

11 Challenges Ahead Capacity building of farmers, WUA office bearers - a slow process. Reorientation of bureaucracy - a challenging and time taking task. Competing uses of water (drinking, industrial, etc.) Need for a devoted local level leadership. Strong political commitment. Inadequate financial resources Subsidized pricing of water Deferred maintenance of dilapidated distribution network

12 It is very important to note that PIM is one of the measures and not the only measure to improve overall efficiency of water management. Efforts to promote PIM must therefore be accompanied with other measures pertaining to physical, agricultural, and other aspects of water management.

13 MOWR should provide adequate funds and issue guidelines in respect of capacity building of farmers and WRD personnel to all the states as far as PIM is concerned. The present system of giving funds to only the projects included under Command Area Development should be changed and the funds should be made available to all the CADA / non CADA projects in the country.

14 Thanks!

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