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Day 3 Fundamentals of Data and Signals. What is Data Data is any type of information: –For Example: A word document A web page An image A conversation.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 3 Fundamentals of Data and Signals. What is Data Data is any type of information: –For Example: A word document A web page An image A conversation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3 Fundamentals of Data and Signals

2 What is Data Data is any type of information: –For Example: A word document A web page An image A conversation –We are surrounded by data.

3 Digital Data Digital data - discrete. –At each moment in time the data must be at one of many discrete points. –It CANNOT be in between. –E.g Lights are either on or off. Traffic signals can only be Red, Yellow or Green. The traffic light has no way of showing you how close it is to turning red from yellow. It doesn’t show different shades of orange in between. Digital clock

4 Analog Data Analog data - Continuous –Found in the real world. Voices, songs, pictures taken on a film camera… –Analog data is by its very nature continuous. At each moment in time the data can be at an infinite number of different points between a min and max value. –E.g. A jar of peanut butter has an analog amount of peanut butter in it. You can always remove some amount, and replace ½ of it. Only our instruments limit our ability to measure the amount of peanut butter in the jar. For example there may be 10.2842042804280284008293320302844324732 ounces Analog clock – sometimes.

5 Data vs. Signals Data is the information we want to send A signal can be used to send data. –Lets imagine we all have frequency generators handy –How could we use that to send the following data: Yes/No The numbers between 0 and 9 (key lock) The alphabet A photograph A piece of music?

6 Representing data in a signal A signal has 3 attributes Amplitude –How tall the graph gets Frequency –How long it takes the graph to make 1 complete cycle. –How many times it makes a complete cycle in a given period of time Phase –A wave form is typically continuous. A phase change means the wave jumps forward or back in time and thus makes an abrupt shift. We can use all 3 attributes to “Encode” data.

7 Amplitude (Measured in Db) 10Rustle of leaves 20Whisper 30Quiet Conversation 50Typical Outside Conversation 70City Street 90Underground train passing 120Jet aircraft taking off – Pain threshold

8 Loss and gain in dB When we transmit a signal it fades the further it goes. –Human voice can only be heard up to a certain distance. If it needs to be heard further, you must use more amplitude. A gain is called amplification A loss is called attenuation A 3dB loss means a signal has lost ½ its power. –E.g A 100W signal has 3dB of attenuation during transmission, 50W will reach the other side. Likewise a 3dB gain means it doubles its power. Decibels are a logarithmic scale.

9 Musical Instruments Frequency Piano27.5 – 4,186 Hz Cello65.41 – 987.77 Hz Flute261 – 3,349 Hz Guitar82.41 – 880 Hz Bass Singer87.3 – 349 Hz Baritone Singer98 – 392 Hz Tenor Singer130 – 494 Hz Soprano Singer246 – 1175 Hz

10 Telephone Human Range 20Hz – 14,000Hz Most voice conversations happen between 300Hz and 3400Hz. –The telephone uses these exact numbers to filter frequencies. Hence if you hit a high note on a piano and have your friend try to hear it on the other end, they will hear nothing.

11 Ranges The spectrum of a signal is the range of frequencies it goes through from min-max. The bandwidth of a signal is the difference between the lowest and highest frequencies –Effective bandwidth is how much of that you can use

12 Analog Signals An analog signal is a continuous signal. –One example of an analog signal is when you encode music/voice into electricity (microphone/stereo). –The electricity varies exactly with the frequency of the voice. An analog signal encoding analog data is the only way to truly capture the data without loss.

13 Digital Signals At each time slice must be in discrete places. –CDs/DVDs are examples of a digital signal recorded onto the CD

14 Analog data on digital signal and vice versa You can record any of the following: –Analog Data Analog Signal Digital Signal –Digital Data Analog Signal Digital Signal –We have many examples of each in everyday life

15 Examples Analog Data stored in an analog signal –Television, Radio Analog Data stored in a digital signal –CD, DVD Digital Data stored in an analog signal –Modem Digital Data stored in a digital signal –LANs

16 Encoding the alphabet We earlier asked how can you send letters of the alphabet via frequency. Now, how would you do it if you only had a “on” or “off” light switch. –Clearly there are more than 2 letters in the alphabet, so you’ll have to use a sequence of “on” and “offs” to send the data. Let’s assume the duration the light is on doesn’t matter for each on or off. Turns out you’ll need 7 “on’s” and “off’s” to capture each of the 26 letters + 26 upper case, plus basic things like spaces, commas, periods. –Each “on” or “off” is called a BIT.

17 Ascii Encode letters into 1’s and 0’s –Each letter takes 7 bits to encode. –Typically an 8 th bit is included for error checking Or can be used for “extended ascii set” –Ascii Chart For example A is decimal 65 which translates into binary as 1000001

18 Unicode Ascii works great as long as you speak English, but if you need different character sets, you’ll need extended ascii or Unicode Unicode uses 16 bits to represent different values Charts: –

19 Spread Spectrum Technology Your cordless phone at home uses this. Lets imagine that we both have a code book –12, 19, 42, 72, 11, 2, 8, 99, 1, 34, 71, 23 We agree that we’ll start at the second number (19) and we use that number of Khz to transmit on for 2 seconds. Then we’ll jump to the next Khz. Makes it very difficult for anyone to listen to your conversation and make any sense out of it.

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