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Lesson 4.

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1 Lesson 4

2 Day 1 Discuss meaning of spelling words.
Identify the root/base word and its inflected ending in the following words. counting chopped moving

3 Listening Comprehension
Genre = autobiography The author describes her first friend in America. The author shares her own life story or personal experiences. The author writes in the first person voice, referring to herself as “I.”

4 Listen to learn about the author’s personal experience.
Purpose: Learn about the author’s first friend. Good readers read aloud with appropriate speed so that listeners can easily follow the flow of information in the text.

5 How did Mei help the author?
Who is the author addressing in this text? How can you tell? A thistle is a prickly plant with a thorny flower. son or daughter because says, “Dad and I” How did Mei help the author? She helped her feel comfortable in America by teaching her English and introducing her to friends.

6 What did you learn about the author’s first friend?
The author’s first friend, Mei, helped her begin to feel at home in the U.S. What are some lessons that a listener could learn from the author’s friendship with Mei? Friends can help each other through difficult times. This week’s story is about a boy who leaves his home country and moves to the United States.

7 Page 108 Comparing and Contrasting characters and events can help them understand the she stories they read. Read When authors compare characters, places, or events, they tell how they are alike. When authors contrast characters, places, or events they tell how they are different. Read “Tip”

8 Page 109 Read Use signal words to identify a contrast.
In the 4th sentence, the words “just different from” signal that the writer is contrasting 2 things. The 2 things the writer is contrasting are the smell of pancakes made at home and the smell of pancakes made on a campfire.

9 Reread page 109 Find how pancakes cooked over a campfire are similar to and different from those cooked at home. Try this! Complete a Venn diagram to show what you find.

10 Answer Questions When you are trying to answer a question, you should think about the kind of information the question is asking for and know where to look to find the answer. When you do this, you are using the Question-Answer Relationship strategy.

11 The crop was bad and people were going hungry and this made Papa sad.
This question asks about a detail in the paragraph. It asks how often Papa came back to China to visit his family. The answer is “Right There” in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph. Papa came back to visit every 2 years. The crop was bad and people were going hungry and this made Papa sad.

12 Background Main character in this story makes a long journey from China to begin a new life in America. Coming to live in another country after leaving one’s home country is called immigrating. A person who leaves their home town to live in a new country is called an immigrant.

13 Suggest some exciting things about immigrating as well as some challenging things a new immigrant might encounter. immigrating Exciting things about immigrating Exploring a new place Opportunities for better jobs Challenging things about immigrating Learning a new language Missing family and friends

14 Develop Concept Angel Island is in San Francisco Bay. Between and 1941, Angel Island was the place on the West Coast of the U.S. where new immigrants waited, sometimes for months, to find out whether they would be allowed into the country. Angel island housed immigrants from many places, including the Philippines, Russia, Mexico, Central and South America, Japan, and China. Immigrants had to pass a health exam and successfully answer many questions in order to gain entry to the U.S.

15 Why have you averted your eyes from the sun?
What might be some signs of a baby’s fury? What do police officers do during the interrogation of a suspect? What action is likely to cause a parent to have a stern look? If someone is accusing you of eating the last plum, does the person think that you did or did not eat the plum? What is the different between behaving in a rowdy way and behaving solemnly? Which sound would make you cringe, fingernails scraping on a chalkboard or someone singing a beautiful tune? When might you have craned your neck?

16 Page 110 Read Why did Chris’ dad check the travel folder solemnly?
What did Chris think his father was accusing him of doing? What questions about the missing tickets might Chris’ father have asked during an interrogation of the family members?

17 Page 111 Why do you think Chris averted his gaze from his father?
When Chris’ father looked stern, how do you think he felt? Do you think the family’s preparations for travel put Max into a fury? Why or why not? Why do you think Chris cringed? Why did Chris crane his neck?

18 Decoding scratching How many syllables are in the above word and where would you divide it? 2;scratch/ing What is the inflected ending? -ing Identify the root word. scratch Inflection endings always form its own syllable.

19 Divide each word into syllables and identify the inflected ending.
blocking overcooked surrounded block/ing o/ver/cooked sur/round/ed Find 6 other examples of longer words that have the inflection –ed or –ing. Write these words and sort them by inflected ending. Then, divide the words into syllables.

20 The End!!!

21 Day 2 Read Story Discuss About the Author and Illustrator
Thinking Critically

22 The End!!!

23 Day 3

24 Pages Read the title and first sentence and look at the illustrations. What do you think you will learn from this text? I will learn about an exchange student from Japan. This narrative nonfiction is a personal essay. The author shares his/her real-life experience. Writing in first-person voice, which means she refers to herself as I. Read 1st paragraph on page 130 What is the author’s purpose for writing? to tell what it was like getting to know her Japanese “sister,” the exchange student who stayed with her family

25 Students from many countries come to the U. S
Students from many countries come to the U.S. each year to improve their English and learn about American culture. Special exchange programs help connect foreign students with American families; students live with the family, sometimes for as long as a year. Exchange programs also help American students travel to other countries as exchange students. Read page

26 Why does the author call Yuu Tagawa her “Japanese sister?”
She feels very close to Yuu and cares about her like a sister. What were some things in America that were brand-new to Yuu? She had never see a fireplace or tasted peanut butter. How might living with an exchange student help you better understand the world? You would learn about another culture; you would learn some words in another language.

27 Writing Write a composition about where you would take an exchange student to introduce him/her to your community and what parts of American culture you would share.

28 Page 132-133 Compare Text Questions Read directions for writing.
Discuss “writing checklist” page 133 Use Venn diagram to help plan. Expected Experience Actual Experience

29 Vocabulary Why might Kai have averted his eyes from the guards?
Why would the men feel fury at being sent home to China? Why was it important to behave well during the interrogation? Why do you think the interrogator looked stern? Why did the interrogator look at Kai in an accusing way? When did Kai bow solemnly to the men in his barracks? Why did Kai cringe at the thought of all the soggy rice? Why did Kai need to crane his neck on the ferry?

30 Compare and Contrast To compare means to tell how characters, places, or events are alike. To contrast means to tell how characters, places, or events are different. Sometimes authors organize information in a way that helps readers see similarities and differences. Comparing and contrasting can help you better understand the stories they read.

31 Reread pages How are all the immigrants Kai sees on Angel Island alike? They are all men; they are all from China; they all dream of reaching Gum San, or Gold Mountain; they are all restless and worried and tired of waiting. What are some differences among the immigrants? Some are young, while others are old; some are sent back to Chine, while others are allowed to enter the U.S. Compare the reality of life on Angel Island with the immigrants’ dream of Gum San, or Gold Mountain. The immigrants dreamed of freedom and a good life in the U.S, but on Angel Island they are treated like prisoners.

32 Buddy Read Story

33 The End!!!

34 Day 4


36 Vocabulary What might cause you to avert your eyes?
What would cause you to feel fury? Some cookies are missing, and a parent begins an interrogation. What might she say? Who might look stern – an annoyed parent or a happy baby? If someone wrongly accused you of breaking a vase, what would you say? If you do something solemnly, how do you do it? Would you cringe if someone sang a song off-key? What might cause airplane passengers to crane their necks?

37 Speaking You will be presenting dramatic interpretations of scenes from “Kai’s Journey to Gold Mountain.” Choose scene to act out in small group Kai’s first day on Angel Island Kai and young getting plums Kai hearing scratching and discovering the poem Kai’s interrogation Kai’s reunion with his father

38 Organizing Content Reread the part of the story where the scene you have been assigned takes place. Decide who will play which role. Choose one group member to briefly introduce your scene. In this scene, Kai and Young feast on some plums they find outside the gate.

39 Speaking Strategies Practice acting out the scene until everyone feels comfortable with their roles. Speak loudly and clearly. Face the audience when you speak. Use gestures to show what the characters do and how they feel.

40 Listening Strategies Look at the performers.
Do not let yourself become distracted during the performance. Keep your hands and your feet still. Compare the dramatic version of the story with the text version. Afterwards, tell what you liked about each group’s performance.

41 Independently Read Story

42 The End!!!

43 Day 5 Write the root/base word for each spelling word on an index card. Divide into 2 teams. Give each student a card. Read the word. Say “No change,” “Double,” or “Drop e” to tell what should be done with the inflection –ed or –ing is added to the word. Earn a point if answer correctly.

44 If you are unsure how to spell a word when you are writing, circle that word and go back to it later.

45 Make Judgments Making a judgment means forming your own ideas or opinions about something. The most important part of making judgments is using details from the story, along with personal knowledge, to explain the judgments. When making a judgment, there may not be a right or wrong answer. Different readers may make different judgments.

46 Reread pages Think about whether Kai and Young were right or wrong to fool the guard and get the plums. What are some reasons you could use to defend Kai and Young’s decision to fool the guard and get the plums? The food they were given at Angel Island was not very tasty or nutritious, and they deserved to have fresh, healthy food; they were only trying to get a delicious treat, and they weren’t doing anyone any harm. In what ways might you argue that Kai and Young should not have fooled the guard to get the plums? It was against the rules; Kai and Young could have hurt their chances of being allowed into the U.S.

47 Make a judgment in response to one of the following questions…
Do you think Kai should have been as bold as he was during his interrogation? Do you think it was right that only sons of U.S. residents were allowed to immigrate? Think of at least 2 reasons that support your judgment.

48 Vocabulary Why shouldn’t a crossing guard avert her eyes from a cluster of students standing at the corner? Why might you feel fury if you had to surrender your favorite possession? What particular fact might a teacher want to find out during an interrogation of a student? Would someone who looks stern smile at you with sparkling eyes? What particular fruit would an apple grower accuse someone of stealing? Would 2 friends strolling through a video store behave solemnly? Why would you cringe if lightning sizzled over your head? Would you crane your neck to see the star sparkling in the sky?

49 Media Demonstrate how to sit at a computer, emphasizing proper alignment of the back, feet, arms, wrists, fingers, and eyes. Having good posture when working at the computer is important to prevent strain or injury to the back, neck, and arms.

50 Saving a document Basic steps to create, format, and save a simple document in word processing programs. The location of commonly used keys, such as the delete key, the space bar, and the return key. The location and function of the arrow keys and the mouse. The keystrokes used for document-related functions, such as open, name, save, copy, cut, paste, and print.

51 Type your journal entry into a word processor.
Use appropriate keyboarding posture. Save the document. Close the program.

52 Listen to Story

53 The End!!!

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