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ANA LAURA LOPEZ HEREDIA. For English as a Foreing Language 2 Eso-or Bachillerato.

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2 For English as a Foreing Language 2 Eso-or Bachillerato


4 TASK … ONE: TWO: THREE: W ith the help of your three friends you will read some myths and you will produce some of them. To retrieve the oral tradition. With the help of three friends you organize to pass several tests. for this, you have to learn to ask questions To write your book should must be carried out to your grandfather and neighbors and you asked about the myths.



7 Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word: 1.They live in Brooklyn. Where_____________ ? 2.The lesson begins at 8 o´clock. What time____________ ? 3.They get home at 6 o´clock every night. What time ___________ ? 4.She speaks French very well. What_______________ ? 5.Those books cost one dollar. How much________________ ? 6.They travel by car. How_________________ ? 7.She wants to learn English because she wants a better job. Why _______ ? 8.They meet on the corner every morning. Where___________ ? 9.She teaches us grammar. What______________ ? 10.He gets up at seven every morning. When_____________ ? 11.Those girls sell newspaper there. What________________ ?

8 Write question about the words in bold. Example: He drank juice. - What did he drink? They went to Spain_____________________________________ He writes novels_______________________________________ Lacy likes soccer _______________________________________ The girls watched a serial._______________________________ He discovered the truth._________________________________

9 ACTIVITY TWO (I am invite to write) You have to make the questions to your grandfathers and you have write the question and answer in your notebook. You have invite other questions (10 questions) Your friends will help you What is myts? What myts you nárrate? How you nárrate myts? Where you narrate myts? How often you narrate myts? When you narrate myts ? Why you narrate myts? Whom you narrate myts?

10 ACTIVITY THREE I am invite to read and write Invite your friends. read the following myths. You produce a book of myths! You with your friends invent myths you book has images and much colors with the myths YOU HAVE WILL READ THE MYTHS (BELOW) AND THEN YOU PRODUCE MYTHS

11 The Weeping Woman In a small village lived a young girl called Maria. She was so beautiful that she felt that she was better than everyone else and too good for any man. She wouldn’t even look at the men in her village because she was looking for the most handsome man to marry. One day, the right man, a young and wealthy ranchero, came into Maria’s village on horse. Maria decided that he was the man for her, but she played hard to get. The man fell for her tricks and said that he could win her heart. Soon they married and had two children. After a few years, the ranchero would leave home for months at a time to find a younger woman, and he came back home to visit only his children. Maria became jealous of her children because her husband paid attention to them and ignored her. One night, as Maria was walking with her two children near the river, the ranchero rode by in a carriage with a beautiful woman sitting beside him. The ranchero spoke to his children and not to her. Maria became so angry; she couldn’t stand it anymore. Maria then threw both of her children into the river, and the river carried them away. Once she realized what she had done, she ran after them, but they had already disappeared. Maria died from sorrow on the bank of the river, where her body was found and buried. She was cursed to remain in this world as a ghost forever. Today, she can be heard weeping, “Where are my children?” She haunts the banks of the river, crying and dressed in the white robe that she was buried in. Children should avoid going out into the dark; the Weeping Woman just might snatch and never return them.

12 A Greek myth? That's right! Francisco de Orellana was a Spanish conquistador and the first European to travel the length of the Amazon river, in 1541-42. Along the way, he and his men ran into a tribe of fierce women warriors, each "doing as much fighting as ten Indian men." Orellana recalled the Greek myth of warrier women and named the entire river "Amazonas." Orellana's journey down the Amazon River The Amazon women of South America were only one of many indigenous peoples which Orellana met during his expedition. Most lived along rivers, where canoes made transportation easy. Many of these Indians, or indigenous people, died from diseases brought by Europeans. Others died after being enslaved. Today, there are fewer indigenous people in the Amazon than there were 500 years ago. But other people also live in the Amazon. Who are they?

13 ROMULUS AND REMUS According to the roman mythology, the founders of Rome were Romulus and Remus. The twin-brothers were the supposed sons of the god Mars and the priestess Rhea Silvia. The story begins with the deposition of Numitor (their grandfather and king of the ancient Italian city of Alba Longa), by his brother Amulius. Numitor's daughter, Rhea Silvia, was made a Vestal Virgin by Amulius - which meant that she was made a priestess of the goddess Vesta and therefore forbidden to marry. However, the god Mars came to her in her temple and with him she conceived her two sons, Romulus and Remus. As soon as they were born, her husband abandoned them in a remote location. This practice was a form of quasi-infanticide tolerated in many ancient cultures, including the Roman and Greek, when children were unwanted. They were unwanted because Amulius was fearing that the boys would grow up to overthrow him, so he had them placed in a trough and thrown into the River Tiber. At that time the river was flooded and when the waters fell, the trough still containing the two boys, came ashore. They were found by a she- wolf, who instead of killing them, looked after them and fed them with her milk. The she-wolf was helped by a woodpecker who brought them food as well. Interesting enough both these animals were sacred to Mars.

14 Romulus and Remus were then discovered by Faustulus, a shepherd, who brought the children to his home. Faustulus and his wife, Acca Larentia, raised the boys as their own. According to Livy, some said that Loba, wife of Faustulus had suckled them, not a female wolf. Indeed, her name meant wolf which was Lupus in Latin. Upon reaching adulthood, Romulus and Remus killed Amulius and reinstated Numitor, their grandfather, as King of Alba Longa, then they decided to found a town of their own. Romulus and Remus chose the place where the she-wolf had nursed them. Romulus began to build walls on the Palatine Hill, but Remus jeered at them because they were so low. He leaped over them to prove this, and Romulus in anger killed him. Romulus continued the building of the new city, naming it Roma (Rome) after his own name. It's first citizens were outlaws and fugitives, to whom Romulus gave the settlement on the Capitoline Hill. There were, however not enough wives for all these men, and so Romulus decided to steal women from the Sabines, an Italian tribe. He proclaimed a festival and invited many Sabines to it. While the attention of the Sabine men was elsewhere Romulus' men rushed in and carried off the women. This was the famous "Rape (carrying off) of the Sabine women", which later became a subject for painters. The Sabine men were furious and, led by their king Titus Tatius, declared war on Romulus. When the fighting had reached its peak, the Sabine women, who had grown fond of their Roman husbands, rushed between the ranks and begged both sides to make peace. So the battle was stopped, Romulus and Titus Tatius ruled together over the two peoples until Titus Tatius was killed in battle. For the rest of his life Romulus ruled alone, proving himself a great leader in peace and war. He did not die but disappeared one day in a violent storm. The Romans believing he had been taken up to heaven, worshiped him under the name of Quirinus. He was succeeded by Numa Pompilius. It seems unlikely that any part of this legend is true. Almost certainly it is a copy of a Greek tale, invented to explain the name of Rome and certain customs. For instance Roman brides were taken from their families on their wedding days with a pretense of force, and this probably accounts for the story of the Sabine women.

15 The wonderful world of myths and questions Excellent (sobresaliente-notable) Average (bien-suficiente) Poor (insuficiente) Content The activities were well conducted You forgot the three activities to develop you learned very well to use wh questions You did all the activities, but there were some mistakes in your answers. The information about the four aspects was not very complete, you haven't included some important events. You have just copied and pasted some of the information. Activities have not finished There were several errors in their responses You copied and pasted Did not use wh questions Presentation You have organized the information in a good manner. You have included some pictures that make your work more attractive. congratulations. The book is very interesting myths You have not organized the information very clearly. You have included some pictures, but they are not very well situated or selected. the book of myths is not complete The have organized the information in a messy way. You haven't included any pictures. not used for the survey questions did the book of myths Group Work Their work shows that his friends helped him Workgroups were see the interest in performing the tasks Their work shows that there was no cooperation from friends There were no group work you were not a leader Your work shows that you haven't cooperated and haven't supported each other. Grammar You have very few grammatical or spelling errors. None of them are very important. very well. you used the wh questions You have an average number of grammatical and spelling errors. Some of them are important. did not use the wh questions You have a lot of important grammatical/ spelling errors. not learn the grammatical structure to ask questions IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE NEXT INFORMATION, THE TEACHER EVALUATED OURS WORK SO:

16 VERY GOOD! You learn to work with the wh questions. You learn to rating the oral tradition. Congratulation: you built a book of myths.

17 TEACHER NOTES This web quest has been designed for students of secondary education of English as a foreign language. The required level is pre-intermediate. I think it can work better students in Bachillerato (seventh grade). The objectives are to make them read about the select topics (they have to analyze and compile the information in order to write a report) It was carried in class in 2 sessions (1 session to guide them through, the process and 1for the presentation in power point.) The biography are: ►  The standard are:

18 you understand short texts with difficulty such myths. You listen to spoken texts and understand the information. you write short texts that narrate oral stories. The skills are: Listening: you understand questions and expressions of your environment. Speaking: You answer simple questions. Reading: you understand literary texts, and academic interest. Writimg: Your use appropriate vocabulary in your writing.

19 …Thanks…

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