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Welcome to Schluter Elementary

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1 Welcome to Schluter Elementary

2 Our Goal Schluter Motto: Learners today...Leaders tomorrow!
 Schluter Student Pledge: S-chluter Spurs have P-ositive attitudes U-se their talents R-espect themselves and each other, and S-trive for excellence everyday. Please read this out loud with conviction.

3 Our Commitments: To Students: structured learning environment
mutual respect security-safe learning environment compassion open communication open to new ideas to be an invested member of the learning community positive respectful loving caring strong educational background teach to everyone’s strengths opportunities for all to succeed extra time and support, as needed always have their best interest in mind consistency use up to date teaching methods love and logic clearly defined expectations Let parents know this summer we looked at our commitments to students and parents. We will have this on our web site. You don’t need to read the entire list. Pick out a few that are meaningful to you.

4 My Commitments: To My Parents: I respect you I will keep you informed
I will make you feel like you are part of “the team” I will listen to you I have an open door policy Your child’s classroom is a safe environment I utilize positive communication Newsletters/phone calls/ s/updated website I encourage involvement I am open to your ideas I desire to develop a relationship with you Consistency in how I treat and educate your child

5 NISD Grading Guidelines
For more information: – See – Parents – Grading Guidelines This is here as an excerpt of the entire guidelines…let parents know this and much more information in on the district web site under PARENTS GRADING GUIDELINES. The Grading Guideliens information will be helpful for them to read on the web site.

6 Grades Online For more information: – See – Parents
Click on the “Grades Online Access” link from my staff webpage to access a step-by-step pdf for how to view your child’s grades online. This is helpful for some parents to keep track of grades. They can also check absences.

Making sure your child is rested, fed, on time, and otherwise prepared for school each day. Knowing how your child is doing in school by reviewing blue card, planner, progress reports and report cards Monitoring your child’s homework and make sure study time is in a quiet place. Limiting TV viewing and read together daily with your child. Being an active participant in your child’s education. These are things parents can do at home to be part of the success equation!

8 “Ranch Hands” ~Volunteers
Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome at Schluter Elementary. You may volunteer services, time or supplies. You may volunteer here at school or in the comfort of your own home. We have daily volunteer opportunities in the library, art room, and cafeteria. All volunteers must pass a background check, which can be completed online at the following link PTA contact-

9 Safety First, Fashion Second!
Wear athletic type shoes to P.E.! Flip –flops, platform shoes, heels, Croc-type shoes or slip-on style shoes are not safe for your children during PE and recess time. Help your child learn to tie shoes. It’s safer! Wear shorts underneath dresses and skirts.

10 Book Fair: October 21st-28th
Library Students visit the library at least once every two weeks with their class. On each visit they will: Listen to a story or portion of a book Learn a research or library skill Hear about various authors and their books Have an opportunity to check out books Students may also come to the library independently with their teachers’ permission to check out books Book Fair: October 21st-28th

11 Family Communication Binders
Blue Card – Please sign only if your student received a mark Fill planner out daily Complete reading homework on assigned days and get parent initials Weekly math homework Weekly Grade-level Newsletters School-wide information sent home on Thursdays Report Cards available online on Thursdays (Parents may request paper copy if necessary) Progress Reports are available the Monday after the 3rd week of each 6 weeks. Websites updated regularly Phone & Communication between school and home is very importatnt. Here are some of the ways we communicate with each other.

12 Conferences Parent-teacher conferences will scheduled at the end of October. We will discuss your child’s beginning of the year assessment scores, behavior, goals, and grades at this time. Please bring a list of questions you want to address to this conference. As needed or requested throughout the year. Encourage all parents to attend conferences. We will be having individual in person conferences in October. Let them know we have schedule two late nights to accommodate parent’s schedules.

13 Homework May be assigned throughout the week.
Homework should take no more than 50 minutes. Read at least 30 minutes each night in a variety of genres Nightly spelling list (study) Math HW offers practice and repetition of what has been taught at school. Daily fact practice of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division encouraged. HW

14 English Language Arts What do we want your children to know?
Reading Word Identification Strategies Fluency-reads smoothly Variety of Genres Comprehension-understanding grade-level texts Literacy Response- writing a thoughtful response about what they have read, demonstrating comprehension and interaction with text Literary Concepts- setting, characters, plots, etc. Writing Ideas- develops ONE idea into a composition Organization-composition has a beginning, middle, & end Word Choice- vocabulary rich, descriptive, and suited to topic Sentence Fluency- no fragments, run-ons, or awkward sentences Conventions-spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization Voice- your child’s unique personality in their writing This is what we want kids to know in each subject area. Change this part according to your grade level.

15 How will we know if they know it?
Students will demonstrate their knowledge by applying reading strategies and demonstrating literacy competencies on daily ELA assignments and assessments, as well as real life applications. What are we going to do if they know it or don’t know it? Read Alouds Literacy Stations Guided Reading Author Studies Book Talks Independent Reading Literature Circles Book Clubs

16 Mathematics What do I want your children to know?
Review the “Mathematics” link on my website and peruse the “Areas of Study” section on the weekly newsletter to find out what we are learning each six weeks and how you can help at home. How will we know when they know it? Teacher observation during instructional time and independent work periods/conferences with your student Curriculum formative (40%) and summative (60%) assessments District benchmarks State-mandated standardized testing This is a sample of what you can put in for math.

17 Mathematics What will I do when they do not know it?
1-1 guided instruction Small group sessions when appropriate In-school tutorials Re-teach and Reassess Keep you informed so you can help at home What will I do when they do know it? I will “spiral” back in our curriculum, continually touching on concepts previously taught throughout the year. I will challenge your student with new experiences, so they do not become disinterested in learning. I will celebrate with you and your child so they know their hard work paid off!

18 What do we want your children to know?
Social Studies American History Map Skills Citizenship Geography Government Economics Individuals who have influenced history Science Simple Systems Inherited Traits Adaptations Properties of Matter Elements of Earth Solar System Energy Plan and implement investigations Add what you need to for your grade *Check my website, or the 5th grade newsletter, to find out what we are learning each week.

19 Technology in Action Student laptops Electronic Chalkboards
Data Projectors Document Cameras Distance Learning Media Cast CPS Receivers Here is a list of ways we use technology in the classroom. This is not an all inclusive list, but just some of the highlights.

20 Exams at the end of Units
Testing Dates STARR: Math- Monday, March 26 Reading – Tuesday, March 27 Science-Thursday, April 26 Benchmark Dates TBA Exams at the end of Units Please put the STARR testing dates down for 3rd, 4th or 5th grades. Put the initial dates, not the make ups, yet. This is also an opportunity for you to share with parents the expectations of each grade level’s testing.

21 Performing Arts Center –Pending Middle School Visit-Late Spring
Field Trip Plans Performing Arts Center –Pending Middle School Visit-Late Spring YMCA Camp Grady Spruce Outdoor Education Possum Kingdom Lake November 14th-16th $160 students $125 chaperone (chaperones must have criminal background check) A few grades, like 5th already know of Field Trips. If you don’t have field trip plans yet, just delete this slide.

22 Camp Info Important Dates Financial Concerns
-ALL payment is due - Nov. 9 -MANDATORY- Chaperone meeting Nov. 9th at 6:00pm Financial Concerns -No scholarships at this time -9 weeks $18.00 per week will be more than enough -Approx. $2.60 per hour to attend (brochure of ideas on the website)

23 What questions can I answer for you?

24 Saddle Up for Success! Thank you!

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