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GOVerify Business Center. Improper Payment Initiative 2 The purpose of this order was to reduce improper payments by intensifying efforts to eliminate.

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Presentation on theme: "GOVerify Business Center. Improper Payment Initiative 2 The purpose of this order was to reduce improper payments by intensifying efforts to eliminate."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOVerify Business Center

2 Improper Payment Initiative 2 The purpose of this order was to reduce improper payments by intensifying efforts to eliminate payment error, waste, fraud, and abuse in the major programs administered by the Federal Government, while continuing to ensure that Federal programs serve and provide access to their intended beneficiaries. Executive Order - Reducing Improper Payments and Eliminating Waste in Federal Programs November 2009 Presidential Memorandum- Enhancing Payment Accuracy Through a "Do Not Pay List“ June 2010 Development of the GOVerify Business Center April 2011 Directed agencies to review current pre- payment and pre-award procedures and ensure that a thorough review of available databases with relevant information on eligibility occurs before the release of any Federal funds, to the extent permitted by law. At a minimum, agencies shall, before payment and award, check the following existing databases to verify eligibility: Death Master File Excluded Parties List System List of Excluded Individuals/Entities Debt Check Database Credit Alert System or Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System SM The Treasury’s Bureau of the Public Debt partnered with the St. Louis and Kansas City Federal Reserve Banks to develop the “Do Not Pay List” that has since been renamed GOVerify.

3 GOVerify Portal and Data Analytics Center 3 GOVerify was established to identify and prevent improper government payments by allowing users to perform: Online Searches. Users can search one entity at a time. This could be utilized for example at an enrollment office. Currently, users can search on TIN, SSN, Business or Individual Name. DUNS number searching will become available in March 2012. Batch Searches. Perform the same searches as online searches, only the searches are automated to perform multiple searches at once via large bulk files. For example, running a payment file through GOVerify before payments are made. Continuous Monitoring. Provides customer with notifications when matches are found against GOVerify databases. For example, continuously monitor Medicaid providers against excluded databases. Data Analytics. Provides users with additional customized analysis to combat improper payments. For example, identifying organizations that have been associated with fraud in other states.

4 Data Sources 4 Current Data Sources we have on the online portal: General Service Administration’s Excluded Party List System (EPLS) Social Security’s Death Master File Public (DMF) Health and Human Service’s Office of Inspector General List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) TheWorkNumber (March 2012) General Service Administration’s Central Contractor Registration (March 2012) Federal nontax debt information (March 2012) Future Data Sources we would like to have in the online portal: Income verification – To allow State and Federal governments to confirm applicant income data. This will help means tested benefits (Medicaid, SCHIP, School lunch) and identify individuals claiming unemployment benefits while they are working. Veterans information – To ensure that Veterans are receiving their proper benefits (for example, identifying Veterans receiving Medicaid health benefits). Prisoner info – Allow State and Federal governments to identify payees who are incarcerated in federal, state, or local prisons. Dependent Child’s Address – Determine if payees are accurately claiming the number of dependent children in their household. State beneficiary data – Determine if payees are claiming similar benefits across multiple states. Death information – Receive additional death information directly from funeral homes, hospitals, etc.

5 5 Vision for State and GOVerify collaboration In order to prevent improper payments, State and Federal governments have to work together Establish Vision. Work with States to design a shared vision that would bring information (for example, PARIS’s Interstate, Federal, Veterans data) to be available online both to States and Federal agencies at every point in the payment process: from payee enrollment through the payment aftermath process. Provide data sources. Allow States access to the same sources we provide federal agencies (e.g. death, income, excluded parties). Add additional data sources. Combine efforts to Identify and acquire data sources (federal, state, and private) that could reduce improper payments and incorporate into the vision. Pilot. Pilot with States interested in testing the vision outlined above. We are interested in working with select states (e.g. neighboring) to bring their data online..

6 1-855-VERIFY-1 (1-855-837-4391) 6 Next Steps Start Receiving Updates Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates on new functionality and data sources as they become available. Get More Information Reach out to the Agency Support Center to find the services that best fit your needs. Contact the Agency Support Center or visit us at

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