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THE ANATOMY OF CV PREPARATION C. Antonio Jesurun, M.D. Professor Pediatrics TTUHSC-El Paso.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ANATOMY OF CV PREPARATION C. Antonio Jesurun, M.D. Professor Pediatrics TTUHSC-El Paso."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ANATOMY OF CV PREPARATION C. Antonio Jesurun, M.D. Professor Pediatrics TTUHSC-El Paso



4 Curriculum Vitae  Course of Life  Reflection of who you are  What you have to offer

5 Objectives  Understand the purpose of a CV  Know how to construct a CV  Avoid the pitfalls of poor CV formulation

6 Curriculum Vitae Formation  Consider the purpose  Consider the person  Consider the position

7 Curriculum Vitae Formation  Reading with both eyes open  Information in concise form  Used to select desirable candidates  May be your first and last impression

8 Curriculum Vitae Formation  Time well invested  You sell yourself  Concise and to the point  Remember the competition

9 Curriculum Vitae Formation  Always provide a cover letter  Convey who you are as a doctor  Convey who you are as a person

10 Cover Letter  Get their attention!  This is your introduction  Personalize your cover letter  Include items of interest

11 Cover Letter  One to two pages  High quality bond paper  Single-spaced; double space paragraphs  One thought per paragraph

12 Cover Letter  12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial  Black ink  Address letter to individual not ‘twimc’  Spell out employment objectives

13 Cover Letter  Describe current work environment  Why are you seeking new employment?  Mention strengths –Productivity –People skills –Leadership ability

14 Cover Letter  Mention personal interests and hobbies  Be human  Mention your philosophy of care  Be enthusiastic!

15 Curriculum Vitae Pearls  Clarity and organization  Use same paper, type, ink, margin settings as in cover letter  Center name, address, phone, fax, E-mail address on top  Number pages, place name on each page

16 CV Pearls  List education chronology in order of completion  Dates to left, then institutions, degrees  Divide Education –College –Medical –Professional experience

17 CV Pearls  Work Experience –Dates to left –Employers, special responsibilities, and skills to the right

18 CV Pearls  Never leave unexplained time gaps  Cite committee names, dates, positions  Licenses and certifications  Local, regional, national organizations  Publications—list them consistently

19 CV Pearls  Honors and Awards  Personal information –Interests –Languages spoken  List at least three references

20 Not on Your Curriculum Vitae....  Misspellings  Grammatical errors  Poor organization  Misaligned columns  Formatting blunders

21 Your Curriculum Vitae  Clear and concise  Well organized  Neat and presentable  No nifty tricks or gimmicks

22 Your Curriculum Vitae  Take pride in your CV  Your CV is a reflection of your clinical competence  Keep it up to date  Keep a record of your activities –No one else will!

23  EXAMPLE OF CURRICULUM VITAE  Name, MD (header with name for all pages; and number all pages bottom center)  *I. PERSONAL INFORMATION  Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Citizenship: (Do not use this prefix if you are a naturalized U.S. citizen.) Home address and telephone: Professional address and telephone: Social Security number:  II. PRESENT ACADEMIC RANK AND POSITION  (Do not use prefix of academic rank if you do not have one.)  Example: Professor of Medicine, Any town Medical School  Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine Division of Gastroenterology Any town Medical School  III. EDUCATION (Include degrees and dates.)  College/University: Medical School: Residency: Fellowship: Other:

24  IV. BOARD CERTIFICATION  (List month, year and board certificate number, if known. Include national boards and their parts if you have them.)  V. MEDICAL LICENSURE  (Indicate state and license number only; date is not necessary.)  VI. HONORS AND AWARDS  (Include Teacher of the Year, honors from undergraduate school, Phi Beta Kappa membership, AOA, etc.)

25  VII. MILITARY SERVICES  Complete if applicable; include branch of service, rank, place, and dates.)  VIII. PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND APPOINTMENTS  (Academic Research, Clinical--list chronologically, beginning with earliest appointment.)  IX. EDUCATION-TEACHING  (In your role as teacher, list dates and names of courses taught, chairships held  Medical School: Graduate School: Continuing Education: Other Institutions (prior to current position):

26  X. EDUCATION-JOURNALS  (List membership on editorial boards, position as scientific reviewer for medical journals, etc.)  XI. GRADUATE STUDENTS/POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS WORKING FOR YOU  (List individuals' names, number of years working for you, name of program, etc.)  XII. INSTITUTIONAL, DEPARTMENTAL, AND DIVISIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE

27 I.InterestII.Concept DevelopmentIII.Stages/StatusIV.CompletedV.Research PublicationsVI.SearchGeneralActivityUndergraduateStudentsGraduateStudentsPostdoctoralAssociatesMedicalStudentsResidentsOthersCommendationRecommendationGiving ReceivingEducationalCurriculumGoalsExperiences/SessionsMentoringLettersProfessionalGrowthMethodologyRefectionsCMEDocumentationLecturesSearchResearchTeaching OthersAdministration/Committes/CommunityServiceGeneralEvaluationsGoalsEducationProfessionalExperienceLicensureand CertificationPrintCV WEB ADDRESS: Professional Portfolio Registered as Antonio C Jesurun, M.D. NTUser TTUHSC\cjesurun Department:Pediatrics Campus:ElPaso Your account has been activated, the system is ready to gather your entries Today's date: 5/11/2006 11:23:54 AM Professional Portfolio Log Out ResearchPublicationsServiceTeachingAwards Committees and Organizations Grants Career Reflections CV CONTACT US


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