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Contextualized Learning Activities Michelle Ouellette, Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB.

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Presentation on theme: "Contextualized Learning Activities Michelle Ouellette, Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contextualized Learning Activities Michelle Ouellette, Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB

2 What is a CLA? Required element of a Specialist High Skills Major Delivered to SHSM students in Math, English and often Science or Business 6-8 hours of instruction time Creates a Math lesson within the context of the SHSM area

3 Example: Hospitality and Tourism SHSM Students must take grade 12 math in C, A and U streams CLA written for MHF4U: Investigating Exponential and Logarithmic Models Related to Food Safety

4 Example: Transportation SHSM Students must take CLA in grade 12 math CLA written for MCT4C: Braking distance as an exponential function and 4- stroke engine cycle as a sinusoidal function.

5 How can this help student success? Answers the “when will I ever need to know this” question V. Luh: “necessary for some, good for all” Enriches the learning experience, creates connections outside the subject – personal interests for some

6 Where can this be used? Student Success might benefit from using well-written CLAs in every math class in every school With students in Dual Credit programs in areas that are similar/same as a SHSM area (Hospitality, Business, Transportation, Communication?)

7 How are CLAs created? Some were done through the Ministry of Education Some were done by each board and posted Provincially Some are done in-house by board or school and not yet shared

8 How are CLAs created? Within DPCDSB Math teacher as paid writer Technological Education teacher consulted to create context College instructors would make excellent consultants/reviewers as well

9 Promising Practice to Explore and Next Steps CLAs viewed by college instructors – feedback, understanding, preparation CLAs shared among schools (SHSM or not) CLAs shared between boards (through Provincial e-community)

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