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Designed and Developed by Mudassar Aslam & Shahzad Saleem Hangman for Mobile Phones.

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Presentation on theme: "Designed and Developed by Mudassar Aslam & Shahzad Saleem Hangman for Mobile Phones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designed and Developed by Mudassar Aslam & Shahzad Saleem Hangman for Mobile Phones

2 Introduction  Hangman for Mobile Phone is divided into two parts i.e.  J2SE Based Hangman Server  J2ME Based Hangman Client  TCP Based Communication

3 Hangman Server  Hangman Server is developed in J2SE, as multi-threaded application to accommodate multiple simultaneous players.  Containing all the Game Logic and Processing (Rich Client)  How it works:  Listens for incoming connection requests  Creates a separate thread for each client/ player.  Randomly loads words from dictionary and presents it as a challenge to the player.

4 Hangman Server (Cont.)  How it works:  Compares player response with the challenge and responds accordingly  Different Possibilities of Guess are:  One letter guess  Complete word guess

5 Hangman Client  Hangman Client is developed in J2ME.  It is a “Thin Client”  How it works:  Player connects to server by taking IP from JAD file/User Defined  Player sends a new game request to get a challenge response.  Player sends his guess letter/word

6 Hangman Client (Cont.)  If player’s guess contains letter and  His guess is correct  This was last letter required to complete the whole word  Player gets 5 points.  This was not the last letter required to complete word  Player gets modified masked challenge  His guess is wrong, then his total number of tries left are decremented.  Game is lost if his total number of tries expire.

7 Technical Details

8 Hangman Server

9 Hangman Client



12 Project Website! Comments & Questions

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