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1 OECD SDMX Expert Group Paris, 13-14 September 2012 SDMX implementation in ISTAT: from a tactical approach to a strategic perspective Francesco Rizzo.

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Presentation on theme: "1 OECD SDMX Expert Group Paris, 13-14 September 2012 SDMX implementation in ISTAT: from a tactical approach to a strategic perspective Francesco Rizzo."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 OECD SDMX Expert Group Paris, 13-14 September 2012 SDMX implementation in ISTAT: from a tactical approach to a strategic perspective Francesco Rizzo ISTAT – Italian National Statistical Institute

2 2 Summary SDMX Istat timeline The five dimensions of the SDMX Istat strategy SDMX Istat Strategy in practice –Human resources, capacity building actions, participation –Istat - SDMX workflow –Istat SDMX architecture Metadata Management System and SEP (deliverables 2012) End user tools (deliverables 2012) Lesson learnt

3 3 SDMX Istat timeline SODI project SDMX Istat Framework Demographic rapid questionnaire ESSnet SDMX Phase I ESSnet SDMX Phase II 2006200720082009201020112012 Structural Metadata Repository / Single Exit Point Stat2015 Census Hub project

4 4 The five dimensions of the SDMX Istat strategy SDMX To provide data to the international and/or national organization to disseminate data in machine-to-machine modality Metadata Management System data user point of view Data collection Census Hub (ESTAT) STS (OECD) Bank of Italy Italian Regions IPCM Private banks and enterprises Reference metadata Structural metadata repository Metadata searching GUI Data analysis Bulk download Converters to other formats

5 5 SDMX Istat Strategy in practice Participation to SDMX working groups Human resources and capacity building actions The streamlining of the workflow Deployment of the SDMX architecture

6 6 Human resources, capacity building actions, participation WG ISTAT OECD SIS-CC Statistical Network SDMX TWG Eurostat SDMX-RI User group Training for statisticians and IT staff Short presentations and discussion Dedicated space in the Intranet

7 Data Dissemination Data Providing.STAT DSDs Mapping Store 7 Istat - SDMX workflow DSW Mapping Assistant OECD EUROSTAT

8 8 Istat - SDMX architecture

9 9 Metadata Management System and SEP (deliverables 2012 ) SDMX structural metadata repository (until Sep 2012): –350 code lists –11 concept schemes –139 DSDs –90 data flows (already mapped) Single Exit Point - Statistical domains that will be covered by the end of 2012: –National accounts –Industry and constructions –Services –Business size and households –Social security and welfare –Public administrations and private institutions –External trade and internationalization –Labour –Prices –Censuses

10 10 End user tools (deliverables 2012)

11 11 Lesson learnt After 12 years SDMX is enough mature to move from a tactical to a strategic perspective The involvement of the top management is a basic pre- requisite SDMX is not only for IT staff, but statisticians should drive the progress Capacity building actions are essential for starting any SDMX project Finally, reusing SW and experiences not only reduce costs but also allows to achieve results in a short period.

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