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REQUIREMENTS: – Enroll at Chandler-Gilbert Community College for BIO 160 (Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology) – Pay the enrollment & tuition fees.

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Presentation on theme: "REQUIREMENTS: – Enroll at Chandler-Gilbert Community College for BIO 160 (Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology) – Pay the enrollment & tuition fees."— Presentation transcript:

1 REQUIREMENTS: – Enroll at Chandler-Gilbert Community College for BIO 160 (Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology) – Pay the enrollment & tuition fees (~$350) – Pass this course (full year) with at least a “C” – Take BOTH Final Exams WHAT DO I EARN: – 4 science laboratory credits for BIO 160 – College education on a high school campus – No book or lab fees (like you would have to pay at a CC/university) WHO ACCEPTS DUAL ENROLLMENT CREDITS: – Transferrable to any other Maricopa Community College & all in-state universities – Some out-of-state & private colleges/ universities (check with a counselor or call the college directly) DUAL ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITY!

2 Step 1: Set up a student (CGCC) account by going to Step 2: Apply for Admission by going to the Student Center link at Step 3: Activate your Maricopa e-mail by entering your MEID # & password. Step 4: BIO160 students do NOT need to take ACCUPLACER. Instead of this test, students can either: -Show proof of passing (Meets or Exceeds) on AIMS Reading (SEE your Counselor) -Take the Reading Accuplacer test -Show proof of having a score of: PSAT ≥ 93 or SAT ≥ 930 or ACT ≥ 22 Step 5: Bring COMPLETED Dual Enrollment Packet to Mrs. Bender (AP/IB/DE Liaison in Counseling Dept area) on Mon, Aug. 5! *** If DE Packet is NOT turned in on this date, you will be responsible for turning it in to CGCC yourself!*** DUAL ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITY!

3 Step 6: Pay tuition & fees by September 22, 2014 -Online (; Payment Options; Finances section) -In person (fiscal office at CGCC campus) -By phone (480-732-7312) Ms. Shaw, the Dual Enrollment Liaison for CHS, will be holding an OPEN LAB for DE questions for students/PARENTS in the Media Center on July 28 th and 29 th from 5-7pm If you have questions about prerequisites, how to fill out paperwork, whether they need to take ACCUPLACER, etc., see Ms. Shaw in CHS Counseling office. DUAL ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITY!

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