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Medical Abbreviations Medical Terminology Mrs. Opland.

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1 Medical Abbreviations Medical Terminology Mrs. Opland

2 Abbreviations “A” @@ – at  aa –of each aa –Before  abd – abdominal  ABG – arterial blood gases

3  ac –before meals  ADL –activities of daily living  ad lib –as desired  adm –admit, admission  AED –automated external defibrillation (defibrillator)

4  AIDS –acquired immune deficiency syndrome  AM (am) –morning, before noon  amb –ambulate  amt –amount  A & P –anterior and posterior

5  ap (A) –apical pulse  ASA –Asprin  ASAP –As soon as possible  as tol –as tolerated  ax –axillary

6 Abbreviations “B”  B/B, BB –bed bath, bowel & bladder  BE –barium enema  bid –twice a day  bil –bilateral  bld –blood

7  BM (bm) –bowel movement  BMR –basal metabolic rate  BP, b/p –blood pressure  BRP –bathroom privileges  BR –bed rest

8  BS –blood sugar; bowel sounds; breath sounds  Bx, bx –biopsy

9 Abbreviations “C” cc –with  CA (ca) –cancer  CAB –coronary artery bypass _

10  cal –calorie  cap, caps –capsule, capsules  cath –catheter  CBC –complete blood count  CBR –complete bed rest

11  CDC –center for disease control  Cl liq –clear liquids  CC –chief complaint  cc –cubic centimeter  CCU –coronary or critical care unit

12  CF –cystic fibrosis  CHF –congestive heart failure  chol –cholesterol  circ –circulation  cl liq –clear liquids

13  c/o –complains of  CO2 –carbon dioxide  COD –cause of death  COPD –chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  CPR –cardiopulmonary resuscitation

14  C & S –culture and sensitivity  CVA –cerebrovascular accident

15 Abbreviations “D” dd –day  DAT –diet as tolerated  D & C –dilation and curettage  dc (d/c) –discontinue

16  DNR –do not resuscitate  DOA –dead on arrival  DOB –date of birth  DR –doctor  drsg –dressing  dx –diagnosis

17 Abbreviations “E” EE –enema  ECHO –echocardiogram; echocardiography  EDC –estimated date of confinement  EEG –electroencephalogram

18  EENT –eye, ear, nose & throat  EKG (ECG) –electrocardiogram  EMT –emergency medical technician  ER –emergency room

19 Abbreviations: “F” FF –fahrenheit  FBS –fasting blood sugar  FBW –fasting blood work  FC –foley catheter

20  Fe –iron  FH or FHB –fetal heart beat  Fl or fl –fluid  fx –fracture  FF (ff) –force fluids  ft –foot or feet

21 Abbreviations: “G”  GB –gallbladder  GC –gonorrhea  GI –gastrointestinal  gm –gram

22  gr –grain  gtt, gtts –drop, drops  GU –genitourinary  gyn –gynecology, gynecologist

23 Abbreviations: “H”  hct –hematocrit  hgb –hemoglobin  H2O –water  HOB –head of bed

24  h (hr) –hour  HS (hs) –hour of sleep  ht –height

25 Abbreviation: “I”  ICU –intensive care unit  I & D –incision and drainage  IM –intramuscular  in –inch

26  in –inch  inf –inferior  inj –injection  int –internal, interior  I & O –intake and output  IV –intravenous

27 Abbreviations: “K” KK –potassium  kg –kilogram +

28 Abbreviations: “L”  L or l –Liter  lab –laboratory  lat –lateral  lb. –pound

29  L & D –labor and delivery  liq –liquid  lg –large  LLQ –left lower quadrant  LOC –laxative of choice

30  LPN –licensed practical nurse  l, lt, lft –left  LUQ –left upper quadrant

31 Abbreviations: “M”  MD –medical doctor  med –medicine  meq –milliequivalent  mid noc (MN) –midnight

32  min –minute  ml –milliliter  mm –millimeter  MOM –milk of magnesia  MT –medical technician

33 Abbreviations: “N”  NACNA –nurse aide- certified nurse assistant  Na –sodium  NaCl –sodium chloride (salt)  No. (no.) –number

34  noct –night  NPO –nothing by mouth  n/v –nausea & vomiting  neg –negative  noc –night

35  neg –negative  noc –night

36 Abbreviations: “O”  O2 –oxygen  OD (o.d.) –right eye  OS (o.s.) –left eye  OT –occupational therapy, occupational therapist

37  OU –both eyes  oz –Ounce

38 Abbreviations “P” _ pp –after PP –pulse  path –Pathology  pc –after meals

39  PDR –physicians desk reference  peds –pediatrics  per –by, through  pharm –pharmacy  PM, pm –after noon  po –by mouth

40  post –after  post-op –after surgery  pre-op –before surgery  prn –as necessary, as needed  psy –psychiatry, psychology  PT –physical therapy  pt –patient, pint

41 Abbreviations “Q” qq –every  qd –every day  qh –every hour  qhs –every hour of sleep (bedtime)  q2h –every two hours

42  q3h –every three hours  q4h –every four hours  qid –four times a day  qod –every other day  qns –quantity nonsufficient  qs –quantity sufficient  qt –quart

43 Abbreviations “R” RR –rectal  RBC –red blood cells  RLQ –right lower quadrant  RN –registered nurse  R/O, r/o –rule out

44  ROM –range of motion  RR –recovery room  R, rt –right  RUQ –right upper quadrant  Rx –prescription

45 Abbreviations “S” _ ss –without  SC –subcutaneous  sig –give according to the following directions  SOB –shortness of breath  sol –solution

46  SOS –if necessary  spec –specimen  spt –spirits, liquor _  ss –one half, ½  SSE –soap solution enema

47  stat –immediately  STD / STI –sexually transmitted disease –sexually transmitted infection  surg –surgery  syp –syrup

48 Abbreviations “T”  T or temp –temperature  T & A –tonsillectomy and adnoidectomy  tab –tablet  tbsp –tablespoon  tid –three times a day

49  TLC –tender loving care  TPR –temperature, pulse, respiration  tsp –teaspoon  tx –treatment, traction

50 Abbreviations “U”  ung –ointment  UA –urine analysis  ur –urine

51 Abbreviations “V”  vag –vagina, vaginal  VD –venereal disease  VO –verbal order  vol –volume  VS –vital signs

52 Abbreviations “W”  WBC –White  WC –wardclerk, secretary  w/c –wheelchair  wt –weight

53 Abbreviations “symbols” >> –greater than << –less than XX –Times .. –male .. –female

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