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The OECD Black Sea and Central Asian Economic Outlook Promoting work and well-being Labour Market Policies in the Global Environment Richard Pomfret.

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Presentation on theme: "The OECD Black Sea and Central Asian Economic Outlook Promoting work and well-being Labour Market Policies in the Global Environment Richard Pomfret."— Presentation transcript:

1 The OECD Black Sea and Central Asian Economic Outlook Promoting work and well-being Labour Market Policies in the Global Environment Richard Pomfret

2 2 Labour Market Policies in the Global Environment SHOCKS: transition globalization Firms (chapter 4) Households (chapter 5) Governments (chapter 6)

3 3 Labour Market Outcomes Transition in an open economy –more severe recession than expected – volatility and job insecurity during the 1990s labour market policy responses were limited The Outlook describes how labour market policies evolved during the 2000s –but the context was also set by households responses during the 1990s

4 4 Households Coping Mechanisms Short-term coping mechanisms –family and community support Longer-term coping mechanisms –informality –migration Vulnerable groups and coping mechanisms –gender roles, urban-rural gaps, ethnic relations, pensioners, children

5 5 Policy Responses ILO Conventions and improving the labour market environment –employment protection, unemployment insurance, minimum wage legislation, reducing informality Active Labour Market Policies –public employment, vocational training, microfinance, youth employment Public redistribution –targeting social assistance Facilitating private redistribution

6 6 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations Investment on statistics Regularising informal activities Active labour market policies Employment-oriented social polices and targeted assistance Migration, remittances and migrant workers rights Sustaining reforms for better job creation

7 7 The OECD Black Sea and Central Asian Economic Outlook Promoting work and well-being

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