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Published byJane Washington Modified over 9 years ago
Graphs on Surfaces We are mainly interested in embeddings of graphs on surfaces: : G ! S. An embedding should be differentiated from immersion. On the left we see some forbidden cases for embeddings.
Cellular (or 2-cell) embedding Embedding :G ! S is cellular (or 2-cell), if S \ (G) is a union of open disks. A 2-cell embedding is strong (or proper) if the closure of each open disk is a closed disk. Proposition: Only connected graphs admit 2-cell embeddings.. On the left we see two embeddings of K 4 in torus S 1. The first one is cellular, the second ons is not!
2-Cell Embeddings and Maps 2-cell embeddings of graphs are also known as maps. There is a subtile difference in the point of view. In the former the emphasis is given to the graph while in the latter the emphasis is in the map, a structure, composed of vertices, edges and faces. Examples of maps include surfaces of polyhedra. Maps include different, equivalent, cryptomorphic purely combinatorial definitions that can be used as a foundation of a theory of maps that is independent of topology.
Genus of a Graph Let (G) denote the genus of a graph G. This parameter denotes the minimal integer k, such that G admits an embedding into an orientable surface of genus k. Note: (G) = 0 if and only if G is planar.
Euler Characteristics To each closed surface S we associate a number (S) called Euler characteristics of S. (S g ) = 2 – 2g, for orientable surface of genus g. (N k ) = 2 – k, for non-orientable surface of crosscap number (non-orientable genus) k.
Euler Formula Let G be a graph with v vertices, e edges cellularly embedded in surface S with f faces. Then v – e + f = (S).
Rotation Scheme Let G be a connected graph with the vertex set V, with arcs S and edges E. For each v 2 V define the set: S[v] = {s 2 S| i(s) = v}. Let and be mappings: : S ! S : S !{-1,+1}. with the property: Permutation acts cyclically on S[v], for each v 2 V. (s) = (r(s)), for each s 2 S. [Hence is a voltage assignment. In our case: (s) = (r(s))]. The triple (G, , ) is a called a rotation scheme, defining a 2-cell embedding of G into some surface.
Interpretation of Rotation Scheme We follow arcs starting at s0 until we return to the initial arc. s à s0, s à (s). positive à True. While s s0 do If positive then If (s) = 1 then s à (s) else positive à False; s à (s) -1 else If (s) = 1 then s à (s) -1 else positive à False; s à (s) 2 (s) (s) sr(s) 3 (s) 4 (s) (r(s)) 2 (s) (s) sr(s) 3 (s) 4 (s) (r(s))
Rotation Scheme and Rotation Projection Rotation scheme can be represented by rotation projection. Rotation can be reconstructed from the bottom drawing. Each arc s carries (s) = 1.
Example On the left we see the rotation projection of K 4. The faces are triangles. There is no cycle with an odd nunber of “crosses”. V – E + F = 4 – 6 + 4 = 2. The surface is a sphere! Exercise: Analyse the faces of the embedding if all crosses are removed from the figure on the left.
Main Fact Theorem: Any 2-cell embedding of a graph G into a surface S can be described by a rotation scheme (G, , ). Furthermore, by face tracing algorithm the number of faces F can be computed yielding (S). Finally, S is non-orientable if and only if G contains a cycle C = (e 1,e 2,..., e k ) such that (C) := (e 1 ) (e 2 )... (e k ) = -1
Combinatorial Theory of Maps There are several cryptomorphic definitions of maps (graphs on surfaces.) Rotation schemes represent such a tool. Note that we start with a graph G and add additional information (G, , ) in order to describe its 2-cell embedding. In some closed surface. We may also start directly from maps or polyhedra.
Let V,E,F be disjoint (finite) sets. µ V £ E £ F is a flag system. Here: V vertex set, E edge set F face set. A face that is a polygon with d sides, (a d-gon), consists of 2d flags (see figure on the left!) Flag Systems ve f
Flag Systems are General Using flag systems we can describe general complexes such as books. Note the a 3-book contains a non- orientable Möbious strip.
Flag systems from 2-cell embeddings To a 2-cell embedding we associate a flag system as follows. Let V be the set of vertices, E, the set of edges and F the set of faces of the embedding. Define µ V £ E £ F as follows: (v,e,f) 2 if and only if v, e, and f are pairwise incident.
The 1-skeleton of a flag system. Given a flag system µ V £ E £ F, we may study its projection to the first two factors: A = {(v,e)| (v,e,f) 2 }. Define: i:A ! V by i: (v,e) v and V e = {v 2 V| (v,e) 2 A}. Assume |V e | · 2, for each e 2 E. We may define r:A ! A by: r(v,e) = (w,e) if V e = {v,w} and r(v,e) = (v,e) if V e = {v}. The quadruple (V,A,i,r) is a pre-graph. It is called the 1-skeleton of . Given there is an easy test whether the 1-skeleton is indeed a graph: for each e 2 E we must indeed have |V e | = 2.
1-co-skeleton If we replace the role of V and F in a flag system µ V £ E £ F we obtain a 1-co- skeleton. We say that the skeleton and co-skeleton are dual graphs.
Homework H1: If one of 1-skeleton is a graph is the 1- co-skeleton a graph too? Prove or find a counterexample.
Exercises N1. Determine the flag system describing the four-sided pyramid. N2. Determine the 1-skeleton and 1-co- skeleton for N1. N3. Define the notion of automorphism of a flag system . For the case N1 find the orbits of Aut .
When does a flag system define a surface? As we have seen in the case of a book we may have an edge belonging to more than two faces. This clearly violates the rule that each point on a surface has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open disk. Therefore a necessary condition is: Each for each flag (v,e,f) 2 there must exist a unique triple (v’,e’,f’) 2 V £ E £ F with v’ v, e’ e, f’ f such that (v’,e,f), (v,e’,f),(v,e,f’) 2 . Another obvious condition is that the 1-skeleton must be connected. However, a flag system satisfying these two conditions may still represent more general spaces than surfaces. It may represent a pseudosurface. Let us define: v = {(f,e)| (v,e,f) 2 }. e = {(v,f)|(v,e,f) 2 }. f = {(v,e}| (v,e,f) 2 }. Each of the three structures defined above can be represented as graph. More presicely, each of them is regular 2-valent graph. is a surface if and only if each graph v, e and f is connected.
Limits of flag systems Unfortunately, there are connected graphs whose 2-cell embeddings cannot be represnted by flag systems. Proposition. Let G be a connected graph. If G contains a loop or a bridge no 2-cell embedding of G can be described by flag systems. [A bridge is an edge whose removal disconnects the graph.]
Some limits of flag systems On the left we see K 4 embedded in torus with one 4- gon and one 8-con. Green and red flag have all three matching components equal. This map cannot be described by flag systems.
Self-avoiding maps Theorem: A 2-cell embedding of G in some surface can be described by a flag system if an only if neither G nor its dual contains a loop. A map that satisifies the conditions of this theorem will be called self-avoiding.
Flags, from a different view-point. Let us forget about V,E, F for a moment. Let the set of flags be given. For instance, on the left, we see them as triangles. Define the flag graph ( ): V( ) = . f ~ f’ if and only if triangles have a common side.
From flags to flag graph. First the vertices.
From flags to flag graph. First the vertices. Next: three kinds of new edges: along the edges across the edges. across the angles.
Flag graphs for 2-cell embedded graphs. Flag graph is: - connected - trivalent - contains a 2-factor of form m C 4.
Flag graphs for 2-cell embedded graphs. A practical guide to the construction. The first step when rectangles are placed on each edge is shown.
Yet another view to flag graphs. We may start with three involutions: 0, 1, 2 : ! 0 2 = 1 2 = 2 2 = 1, each fixed-poit free. 0 2 = 2 0, also fixed-point free. Each invoultion corresponds to a 1-factor. Together they define a cubic graph: the flag graph ( ). The group, called monodromy group must act transitively on . [This is eaquivalent to saying that ( ) is connected.] These axioms define a (combinatorial) map on a surface.
Combinatorial Map. Combinatorial map is defined by three involutions satisfying the axioms from the previous slide. Orbits of acting on define V. Orbits of acting on define E. Orbits of acting on define F.
Orientable Map Theorem: A map is orientable if and only if the flag graph is bipartite.
Unique Embedding Theorem (Whitney): Each 3-connected planar graph admits a unique embedding in the sphere. Theorem (Mani). Let Aut G be the group of automorphism of a 3-connectede planar graph G and let Aut M be the group of automorphisms of the corresponding map. Then Aut G = Aut M.
Example - Exercises On the left there is an embedding of Q 3 on torus. N1: Determine the rotation scheme for this embedding. N2: Determine the flag graph for this embedding.
Example - Exercises On the left there is a different embedding of Q 3 on torus. N1: Determine the rotation scheme for this embedding. N2: Determine the flag graph for this embedding..
Levi graph of a map Levi graph of a map M has the vertex set: VM t EM t FM, Edges are determined by the sides of flags (as triangles). WARNING: The graph on the left is not simple!!
Characterisation Theorem: Levi graph of a map is simple if neither 1-skeleton nor 1-co-skeleton has a loop. Definition: A map M is simple,if and only if its Levi graph is simple.
Homework H1: Given Flag graph of a map M, determine whether M is simple! (Prove previous theorem)
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