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STUDENT SUCCESS: RECRUITMENT TO COMPLETION Early Childhood & Human Development Program.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT SUCCESS: RECRUITMENT TO COMPLETION Early Childhood & Human Development Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT SUCCESS: RECRUITMENT TO COMPLETION Early Childhood & Human Development Program

2 THE ARIZONA CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD MANAGEMENT (ACECM) COACHING & MENTORING EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTORS PROJECT  Project Target Goal: 30 Center Directors and/or Family Child Care Providers  Project Target Area: South Phoenix First Things First Region  Project Timeline: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015  Project Goal:  Recruit 30 participants  Provide one to one coaching & mentoring  Conduct individual and environmental assessments (Accuplacer, StrengthsQuest, PAS/BAS)  Transcript and Credit for Prior Learning Evaluation  Develop Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) goals – based on assessments, transcript review & individual educational goals  Implement IPDP goals

3 PROJECT ACTIVITIES Triangulated coaching and mentoring  ECE Educational Coach – Rio Salado College staff member  Monthly face to face on-site visits  Weekly phone, email, text contact  Quarterly group meetings  Peer Mentor – either a child care center director or family child care provider  Introduced in second quarter of the project year  On-going, as needed, and self-directed by the student/protégé - or upon suggestion/intervention by Educational Coach  HR Consultant  Individualized improvement plan, based on PAS/BAS assessment tool Symposiums  National Experts

4 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES  All participants have access to:  AZ Child Care Association membership (child care center directors)  NAFCC Association membership (family child care providers)  Rio Salado College student services:  Tutoring  Counseling  Library Resources  Student Ambassador  Student Navigator & Intern Specialist  Websites, blogs & resources from Symposium Speakers

5 OUTCOMES: 2014-2015  Educational Coaching:  13 interactions per month  Peer Mentors:  Minimum of one hour (initial meet & greet) to a maximum of 8 hours during the project year  HR Consultant:  1 two hour face to face consultation  Weekly – Monthly email/phone follow up (as determined by the student/protégé)

6 OUTCOMES: 2014-2015  84% of the protégés recruited for the project participated in the total project year  42% of the protégés achieved a passing grade in the courses completed  44% completed all courses they enrolled in (on average 9 credit hours annually)  23% continue to pursue their certificate or degree program  19% completed their college certificate program (of those that completed 40% received the Certificate of Completion in Family Child Care Management & 60% received the Certificate of Completion in Child and Family Organizations Management and Administration)  4% completed their college degree program (Note: all of these protégé’s already had transferable college credits that were evaluated and used towards completion)

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