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Tools Parent Centers Can Use to Help Families with Secondary Transition Planning Catherine Fowler, National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools Parent Centers Can Use to Help Families with Secondary Transition Planning Catherine Fowler, National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools Parent Centers Can Use to Help Families with Secondary Transition Planning
Catherine Fowler, National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center Strand Presentation #

2 Session Overview Families and Transition Planning
Legal/ Compliance Resources Effective Practice Resources Capacity Building Resources Other Transition Planning Resources

3 Families and Student Success
Parental involvement correlated with in-school employment Parent support and family engagement predictor of academic achievement Parental encouragement predictor of mathematics achievement standardized test scores (SAT/ACT)

4 …Families and Student Success
Parents who participated in more IEP meetings during the 11th and 12th grade correlated with post-school employment Students who had support from self-family-friend network to find a job were more likely to be engaged in post-school employment

5 …Families and Student Success
Students with positive perceptions of (a) their parents’ involvement in the IEP meeting, (b) activities parents involved them in to prepare them for postsecondary education, and (c) career and independent living skills parents taught them, correlated with higher postsecondary self-determination skills NSTTAC; Center for the School of the Future; National Dropout Prevention Center; Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk; Morningstar and Colleagues, university of Kansas – from Super Table

6 Transition Education and Services
Taxonomy for Transition Programming Guideposts for Success School-Based Preparatory Experiences Career Preparation & Work-Based Learning Experiences Youth Development & Leadership Connecting Activities Family Involvement & Supports NASET Standards & Quality Indicators Schooling Career Preparatory Experiences Family Involvement

7 Transition Education and Services: Taxonomy for Transition Programming
IEP Development Student Participation Planning Strategies STUDENT-FOCUSED PLANNING FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Family Training Family Involvement Family Empowerment STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Life Skills Instruction Employment Skills Instruction Career & Vocational Curricula Structured Work Experience Assessment Support Services PROGRAM STRUCTURES Program Philosophy Program Policy Strategic Planning Program Evaluation Resource Allocation Human Resource Development Breaks down from very general to specific practices Collaborative Framework Collaborative Service Delivery INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION

8 When Does Transition Planning Begin? (hint: Cradle to Career)

9 Critical Relationship
Practices Mandates Post-School Outcomes Contexts adapted Kohler (NSTTAC), 2007 & Alverson (NPSO) 2011

10 Federal Requirements Regional Resource Center Program resources
National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center resources Parent Training and Information Center Resources Other TA&D Network Resources

11 Critical Relationship
Staying in school (Indicator 2) Quality IEPs (Indicator 13) Positive post-school outcomes (Indicator 14) Graduating (Indicator 1) Kohler (NSTTAC), 2007

12 Seattle University - Center for Change in Transition Services, 2010

13 Federal Requirements Compliance Legislation
Federal reporting requirements What’s on the horizon?

14 Evidence-Based Practices (NSTTAC)
Evidence Based Practice Descriptions Lesson Plan Starters Predictor Tables Annotated Bibliographies DCDT Fact Sheets

15 Broad Definitions Are based on rigorous research designs
(Helsel, Hitchcock, Miller, Malinow, & Murray, 2006; Twyman, 2008) Evidence-Based Practices Are based on rigorous research designs Have demonstrated a record of success for improving student outcomes Have undergone systematic review process using quality indicators to evaluate level of evidence Research-Based Practices Promising Practices Are based on research Have demonstrated limited success Have used a ‘weak’ research design Unestablished Practices Are not based on research Have no data to support effectiveness Based on anecdotal evidence and/or professional judgment When considering whether a strategy or program is evidence-based, we have to rely on the “best available evidence.” So how to we do this is their is limited or no research evidence available?....

16 Evidence Based Practices (other)
National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities, National Autism Center, IRIS Center, What Works Clearinghouse,

17 Capacity Building Predictor Implementation Self-Assessment, Presenter Guides, Toolkits, Crosswalk of Taxonomy for Transition Programming, Guideposts, and NASET Standards

18 Capacity Building Personnel Development Guides, Team Planning Tool Samples, Products in development: 101s and “Just In Time” resources

19 Capacity Building National Post-School Outcomes Center’s Data Use Toolkit, IDEA Partnership Tools, Secondary Transition Collection P-16/20 In the Pipeline Resources Creating Agreement Collection National Dropout Prevention Center, Fantastic Tools from Individual States

20 Additional Transition Planning Resources
NSTTAC, Family Center on Technology and Disability – Assistive Technology and Transition, PEPNet, TATRA, ,

21 Additional Transition Planning Resources
NICHCY, More neat resources from States!

22 What Will You Do With These?
Think, pair, share – take 5 minutes Uses Adaptations What do you have to share?

23 Follow-Up Catherine Fowler, Project Coordinator, NSTTAC, NSTTAC Principle Investigators: Paula Kohler, Larry Kortering, David Test,


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